Snippets by Tag

async (98) list (56) seq (54) sequences (48) tryfsharp (48) f# (43) math (35) recursion (33) sequence (32) game (32) web (29) parsing (28) string (27) mailboxprocessor (27) algorithms (26) monad (24) dsl (23) fold (22) silverlight (22) array (22) quotations (21) lazy (20) wpf (20) agent (20) reflection (19) http (18) design patterns (18) staging (18) tutorial (17) regex (17) computation builder (17) generic programming (17) kata (17) collections (16) learning f# (16) pattern matching (15) html (15) json (15) computation expression (15) fparsec (15) lists (14) xml (13) discriminated union (13) monads (13) random (12) mathematics (12) option (12) computation expressions (12) asynchronous (11) fibonacci (11) charting (11) types (11) algorithm (11) type provider (11) ninety-nine f# problems (11) units of measure (10) factorial (10) continuations (10) memoization (10) linq (10) ocaml (10) ast (10) typeshape (10) #active patterns (10) map (9) events (9) active pattern (9) winforms (9) rx (9) server (9) observable (9) parser (9) haskell (9) tree (9) interop (9) active patterns (9) puzzle (9) puzzles (9) interpreter (9) try f# (9) exceptions (9) c# (9) io (8) continuation (8) strings (8) reactive (8) functions (8) operators (8) data (8) asynchronous workflows (8) (8) string manipulation (8) machine learning (8) printf (7) combinators (7) files (7) finance (7) match (7) serialization (7) networking (7) csv (7) actors (7) trees (7) websharper (7) cancellation (7) choice (7) excel (7) script (7) type providers (7) task (7) filter (6) console (6) datetime (6) formatting (6) function composition (6) event (6) webrequest (6) memoize (6) dictionary (6) inline (6) spatial (6) tail recursion (6) generics (6) primes (6) dynamic (6) message passing (6) exception (6) discriminated unions (6) imperative (6) sorting (6) fsharp (6) database (6) parallel (6) sql (6) queue (6) retry (6) graphs (6) regular expressions (6) streams (6) example (6) suave (6) yield (5) matrix (5) euler problem (5) cache (5) concurrency (5) nullable (5) hashing (5) expression (5) sql server (5) pipeline (5) chart controls (5) error handling (5) grouping (5) scripting (5) data structures (5) set (5) utility (5) asyncseq (5) project euler (5) crypto (5) joinads (5) testing (5) quotation (5) stringbuilder (5) statistics (5) string matching (5) simulation (5) euler (5) fizzbuzz (5) directory (5) conversion (5) timeout (5) art (5) log (5) language (5) bdd (5) typeprovider (5) process (5) hopac (5) fun3d (5) evreact (5) z3 (5) tagless-final (5) continuation passing (4) sequence expressions (4) windows forms (4) let (4) unfold (4) extension (4) debug (4) nunit (4) unit testing (4) reduce (4) tuple (4) custom operator (4) stream (4) clojure (4) atom (4) smtp (4) timespan (4) partition (4) combination (4) graphics (4) fun (4) dates (4) operator (4) idisposable (4) enumerator (4) ienumerator (4) split (4) composition (4) xlinq (4) generic (4) file (4) y-combinator (4) lambda calculus (4) open xml (4) owin (4) non-determinism (4) eratosthenes (4) linq-to-xml (4) sieve (4) workflow (4) dependency injection (4) text processing (4) domain modelling (4) azure (4) zip (4) drawing (4) learning (4) ai (4) fsi (4) configuration (4) query (4) generic functions (4) argument parsing (4) binary tree (4) agents (4) oauth (4) functional (4) effects (4) test (4) xbehave (4) deedle (4) binary (4) authentication (4) cryptography (4) shuffle (4) lens (4) parse (4) paket (4) fixed-point (4) email (4) bitcoin (4) btc (4) blockchain (4) hello world (3) format (3) slice (3) getslice (3) currying (3) bits (3) bit manipulation (3) monoid (3) haskell functions (3) compilation (3) geometry (3) lazylist (3) sumby (3) pinvoke (3) visualization (3) type (3) disposable (3) mvvm (3) combinations (3) dlr (3) fast (3) polymorphism (3) hoas (3) invoke (3) patterns (3) asynchronous programming (3) javascript (3) compiler (3) reader (3) wrapper (3) concat (3) permutation (3) spreadsheet (3) mvc (3) threading (3) tennis (3) interface (3) httplistener (3) i/o (3) container (3) aggregate (3) stack (3) cps (3) callcc (3) crawler (3) web crawler (3) windowed (3) hash (3) twitter (3) builder (3) dynamic programming (3) gui (3) operator overloading (3) wmi (3) applicative functor (3) input and output (3) thread safety (3) nuget (3) monte carlo (3) sequences skip (3) fixpoint (3) array2d (3) discriminated union type (3) constructor;f# (3) reversi (3) progfsharp (3) collection (3) reversible computation (3) hex (3) slimdx (3) directx (3) shader (3) visual studio (3) type classes (3) parser combinators (3) scheduling (3) palindrome (3) metaprogramming (3) session types (3) bigint (3) graph (3) pattern (3) rec (3) basic (3) bind (3) akka (3) bit shifting (3) parallelism (3) fscheck (3) turtle (3) mathematic (3) event sourcing (3) csharp (3) counterexample (3) plugin (3) fslab (3) f# data (3) code-generation (3) #srtp (3) #console (3) #chart (3) regular expression (3) (3) random walk (2) sprintf (2) use (2) xaml (2) compose (2) triple (2) layout (2) fixed point (2) delegate (2) cartesian product (2) traversal (2) transformation (2) webclient (2) useragent (2) registry (2) tail recursive (2) extensions (2) languageprimitives (2) expressions (2) computational geometry (2) tcp (2) socket (2) iobservable (2) subset (2) recursive (2) gcd (2) url (2) uri (2) jagged array (2) debugging (2) quine (2) sorted (2) mailbox processor (2) enumeration (2) prime testing (2) cartesian (2) ml (2) records (2) objects (2) text (2) struct (2) parsers (2) pascal (2) arrays (2) fixed-point combinator (2) object oriented (2) byte (2) literal (2) vector (2) workflows (2) vs2010 (2) md5 (2) source (2) error (2) applicative functors (2) return (2) break (2) combinatorial functions (2) permutations (2) combinatorial (2) denotational semantics (2) datagrid (2) unittests (2) average (2) enum (2) word (2) hughes (2) inotifypropertychanged (2) throttling (2) comparison (2) union-find (2) ienumerable (2) search (2) synchronization (2) syntax (2) proxy server (2) iteratee (2) trig (2) com (2) arraysegment (2) universal (2) heterogeneous (2) mapreduce (2) music (2) asynchronous sequence (2) coroutine (2) dispose (2) sliding window (2) primes factorization math (2) combinatorics (2) csproj (2) project (2) crc (2) string regex (2) ipv4 (2) bitwise (2) socketasynceventargs (2) computational workflows (2) tennis; sample; functional data; kata (2) caching (2) meta-programming (2) concatenate (2) js (2) pit (2) sqlite (2) world bank (2) fsharpchart (2) ioc (2) maps (2) propertygrid (2) fixedpoint (2) laziness (2) domain-specific language (2) financial (2) applicative (2) typeclass (2) composition operator; text; csv (2) xna (2) zipwith (2) security (2) internet (2) data structure (2) numbers (2) sleep (2) curves (2) arithmetic (2) logic (2) frequency table (2) api (2) oop (2) classes (2) sample (2) wiki (2) line count (2) nlp (2) actuarial (2) annuity (2) bayestheorem (2) lambda (2) helper (2) tesco (2) f# 3.0 (2) f# koans (2) ping pong (2) concurrent (2) serialize (2) pi (2) state monad (2) record types (2) dsls (2) hlist (2) astronomy (2) failwith (2) dns (2) references (2) xunit (2) fsunit (2) stackoverflow (2) trampoline (2) ini (2) twitter; authorization (2) rules (2) lambdas (2) merge sort (2) options (2) expr (2) algebra (2) board (2) undertone (2) sets (2) gadt (2) compute (2) triangle (2) division (2) y combinator (2) msbuild (2) worldbank (2) run time (2) simulation javascript html5 (2) cons (2) scala (2) python (2) hex dump (2) await (2) design pattern (2) function (2) peano (2) static generics (2) binary search (2) type inference (2) google (2) native (2) talk (2) meetup (2) examples (2) freebase (2) either (2) rss (2) scientific computing (2) bitarray (2) ascii (2) strategy pattern (2) mutation (2) qmodule uncc (2) #algebra #algebraicmanipulation #algebraic (2) htmlagilitypack html (2) ocr (2) logging (2) utilities (2) retail (2) data science (2) fsharp.charting (2) with (2) groupby (2) code (2) gadts (2) numerics (2) optimizations (2) decode (2) csp (2) normal distribution (2) infinite sequence (2) cqrs (2) multithreading (2) snowflake (2) rational (2) seqences (2) count (2) list files recursive (2) type level (2) domain (2) webapi (2) aspnet (2) inference (2) validation (2) library (2) rotate (2) pipeline operator (2) defer (2) performance (2) website (2) ksp (2) addon (2) mod (2) prognet15 (2) braintrain (2) iis (2) flappy bird (2) #computationalgeometry (2) tryparse (2) chunk (2) playing with types (2) prime (2) challenge (2) folding (2) rest (2) buzz (2) money (2) distance (2) client (2) encyption (2) rijndael (2) base32 encoding (2) base32 decoding (2) jsonprovider (2) crawling (2) rng (2) mongodb (2) tasks (2) cntk (2) tail file (2) #finance (2) #web (2) intersperse (2) object algebra (2) freemonad (2) loeb function (2) trait (2) result type (2) upper case (2) life (2) analyzers (2) #graph (2) reader monad (2) #result (2) #strings (2) msmq (2) request (2) sentiment classification (2) azure functions (2) phantom types (2) higher-kinded types (2) #encryption (2) #decryption (2) #applicatives (2) #seq (2) #recursion (2) #plotly (2) #plotting (2) #msbuild (2) form (1) color (1) writeline (1) namespace (1) system.type (1) indexing (1) fac (1) fsx (1) 3d vector (1) project euler problem (1) lookup (1) path (1) pow (1) regular (1) asynchronous processing (1) stock market (1) fix (1) supercompilation (1) async sequences (1) rsa (1) anagram (1) hexadecimal (1) t-sql (1) identifiers (1) capitalization (1) wcf (1) wcf web api (1) linkedlist (1) plotting (1) chart control (1) charts (1) chunked encoding (1) ref (1) du (1) farey (1) matching (1) ironjs (1) structs (1) scheme (1) string .net (1) unions (1) regexp (1) embedded (1) google search (1) webcrawling (1) wicked (1) powerpack (1) convex hull (1) graham (1) active objects (1) qr-decomposition (1) gram-schmidt (1) linear algebra (1) try (1) histocical stock quote (1) tcp-ip (1) window (1) lexer (1) ramanujan series (1) file writing (1) record (1) regression (1) prettyprint (1) print (1) list comprehensions (1) historical volatility (1) volatility (1) high low volatility (1) close price volatility (1) type-a-head (1) searchtree (1) ironpython (1) ironruby (1) nested (1) functors (1) deserialize (1) contracts (1) expression evaluation (1) geocomputing; haversine formula (1) powerset list (1) rope (1) yahoo quotes (1) kdb (1) polynom (1) statical resolved type parameters (1) palindromes (1) commands (1) udp (1) sntp (1) circular programming (1) repmin (1) red black trees (1) null handling (1) units (1) sscanf (1) scanf (1) timestamp (1) sha (1) dom (1) datatemplate (1) viewmodel (1) icomparable (1) defaultarg (1) objectpool (1) qoutations (1) anonymous functions (1) string char (1) escape string char (1) seq average (1) future (1) thread (1) control-flow (1) when (1) visual studio;dte;automation (1) workaround (1) erlang ring agent (1) bytestring (1) splice (1) filtering (1) tuples (1) guitar (1) chord (1) call-with-current-continuation (1) job (1) continue (1) rank-2 (1) strassen (1) matrix multiplication (1) ohlc (1) stock (1) download (1) yahoo (1) meta-data (1) command-line (1) young tableaux (1) rsk (1) stream api (1) seq.unfold (1) cruisecontrol (1) build (1) (1) network (1) sockets (1) fracture (1) factorize (1) parser monad; monad (1) json; parser monad (1) golf (1) di (1) ports (1) serial (1) paper tape (1) fractions (1) mixed numbers (1) linqtoxml (1) mvc3 (1) margins text (1) fast inverse square root; bitwise (1) drag and drop (1) card (1) pos (1) managementobject (1) async mailprocessor (1) async paraller (1) brainfuck interpretor (1) hardware id (1) license (1) licensing (1) key (1) hardware (1) (1) net (1) circular buffer (1) catamorphisms (1) auto-completion (1) textbox (1) curve operator fold fold2 (1) frechet distance (1) codes (1) md5 cracking (1) pseq (1) classic ciphers (1) .net libraries (1) exchange web service (1) ews (1) tfs (1) .net library (1) control (1) binary trees (1) n-gram (1) inheritance (1) object-oriented programming (1) object expressions (1) turing machine (1) computational expression (1) zipper (1) lab3 (1) remove duplicates (1) mbunit (1) source code (1) powerset (1) haskell operators (1) file handling (1) sierpinski (1) sort (1) monadic transactions (1) expand (1) exprshape (1) numericliteral (1) ef (1) entityframework (1) gaussian (1) normal (1) distributions erfc (1) erfcinv (1) sampling (1) fizz buzz (1) null (1) mixin (1) aspect-oriented (1) boyer moore (1) automapper (1) codomain (1) fsharpfunc (1) markov (1) probability (1) entity framework (1) tagged sets (1) comparable types (1) f# interactive (1) crc32 (1) gzip (1) learning f#; mandelbrot (1) bitmap (1) synchronizationcontext (1) lifting combinator (1) heatmap; wpf (1) type annotations (1) prettyprinter (1) weighted graphs (1) approvals testing (1) type-level computations (1) partial application (1) 28 (1) duality (1) git (1) deploy (1) dependencies (1) dll (1) observablecollection (1) affine (1) vs2012 (1) upgrade (1) fsproj (1) theories (1) iserializable (1) serializationinfo (1) introduction (1) deque (1) mathnet (1) square root (1) sqrt (1) iter (1) insertionsort (1) testing; math; (1) operators options (1) sports (1) memroy address; f# (1) memory address;f# (1) static property; f# (1) traverse (1) upcast (1) immutability (1) formal concept analysis (1) research (1) pex4fun (1) equilibrium index (1) immutable queues (1) power sets (1) bit patterns (1) subarray (1) sublist (1) dominator (1) seq.groupby (1) names (1) searching (1) nullable types (1) dissembler (1) stateful execution (1) linq;queries (1) basic parsing (1) facet pattern (1) principle of least authority (1) pola (1) secure computing (1) powerset bitwise and lists (1) memo (1) ycombinator (1) fixpoint combinator (1) interpreter metaprogramming (1) rank-2 polymorphism (1) church numerals (1) querybuilder (1) run (1) frequency sort (1) inverse error (1) erfinv (1) vertex (1) pixel (1) atomic (1) orm (1) numeric (1) modulus (1) remainder (1) object graph (1) polyvariadic fixpoint (1) nancy (1) css (1) pipelining (1) member constraints (1) linked list (1) skew binary list (1) dynamic operator asd (1) bloom (1) anagrams (1) tail-recursion (1) awaittask (1) adaboost (1) optimization (1) bin packing (1) hof (1) command pattern (1) gc (1) finalizer (1) formula (1) b-tree (1) forth (1) block comments (1) servicestack serializer option (1) flood fill (1) async task tpl (1) count leading zeros (1) find first set (1) bit twiddling hacks (1) clz (1) search engine (1) seo (1) audio (1) sound (1) twitter api (1) retro (1) locale (1) map reduce (1) user input (1) io files (1) win32 (1) one-liner (1) timing (1) semicoroutines (1) coroutines (1) iobservable rx (1) higher-order functions (1) programming101 (1) titanic (1) decision tree (1) cliques (1) computation_expression (1) handlers (1) delimited continuations (1) dbscan (1) cluster (1) expression tree (1) circle distance (1) sphere (1) low level (1) mapi (1) int64 (1) compression (1) indexed monad (1) positive infinity (1) reraise (1) amazon (1) s3 (1) cloud (1) decorator pattern (1) factory pattern (1) observer pattern (1) object expression (1) function type (1) r provider (1) x509 (1) fake (1) f# community code sprint (1) structural equality (1) huffman (1) entropy (1) progf# (1) compilationrepresentationattribute (1) hacking (1) graph theory (1) minimum spanning tree (1) mst (1) kruskal (1) mixed number (1) fraction (1) fuzzy (1) interval (1) big data (1) nodejs (1) difference (1) system.console.writeline (1) hash table (1) hexdump (1) sqldataconnection (1) anonymousobject (1) stacktraces (1) tpl (1) acs (1) authorization (1) global state (1) dgml graph (1) series (1) sums (1) ? (1) numl (1) machine (1) 2d (1) initialize (1) education (1) rosalind (1) pigeao (1) pigeon (1) reference cell (1) gray-code (1) frame (1) actor (1) android (1) infer (1) schema (1) marvel (1) bigint sequence (1) text file (1) smallest divisible number (1) jenkins (1) radix (1) base26 (1) tic-tac-toe (1) floating point (1) histogram (1) >> (1) separator (1) subsequence (1) polyline (1) bits boolean byte array (1) unbox (1) cast (1) primitive (1) using (1) raii (1) trick (1) range (1) t4pl (1) binomal (1) distributions (1) code golf (1) beer (1) webforms (1) lazy values (1) reference cells (1) nodatime (1) aether (1) lexing (1) core (1) active-patterns (1) randon number generation (1) gaussian distribution (1) release_notes (1) eto (1) theory (1) mutable (1) koch (1) list; cast; collections (1) computational geometry graham scan (1) outlook (1) statemachine (1) tagcloud (1) kinect (1) snobol (1) scraping (1) fsharpx (1) odata (1) imaging (1) perlin noise (1) gradient noise (1) noise (1) option monadplus (1) calendar (1) totp (1) system.resources (1) nuspec (1) meh (1) chiron (1) optimizer (1) cil (1) truth table (1) boolean function (1) cron (1) eventstore (1) sequence fibbonaci (1) voip (1) sip (1) softphone (1) conference (1) call (1) conferencing (1) sdk (1) phone (1) software (1) telephone (1) .net (1) memoize async concurrent function (1) f# compiler service (1) flatten (1) replace (1) rprovider (1) r (1) compress (1) date (1) trigroup (1) join (1) bcl (1) try finally (1) dotliquid (1) try/finally (1) extcore (1) speed (1) newtonsoft json (1) signalr (1) gamma function (1) event processing (1) monogame (1) unity (1) template (1) prognet (1) xwt (1) flappy bird clone (1) 11 year old (1) vsync (1) apl (1) langauge (1) reactive extensions (1) #soundfile #wavfile #fsharp (1) #grahamscan (1) #convexhull (1) russian (1) ranom (1) 4.0 (1) dotnet (1) static (1) constraint (1) wql (1) syb (1) nservicebus (1) rabbitmq (1) edx (1) atkin (1) teaching (1) lippert (1) comma (1) circular (1) repeating (1) infinite (1) corecursion (1) fractal (1) computational art (1) scan (1) restful (1) parsec (1) rpc (1) fizz (1) chart (1) service (1) text precessing (1) state (1) trump (1) bmp (1) ackermann (1) type-level (1) stacktrace (1) assembly (1) f# logo (1) soundex (1) phonetic algorithm (1) reactive programming (1) smo (1) cors (1) sitemap (1) linux (1) osx (1) windows (1) php (1) latitude-longitude (1) gps (1) krpc (1) shortest path (1) optimization programming language (1) opl (1) cplex (1) mixed integer programming (1) tuner (1) numeric literals (1) transaction (1) base64 encoding (1) base64 decoding (1) base16 encoding (1) base16 decoding (1) rfc 4648 (1) currency (1) neural network (1) queens (1) func (1) action (1) survey (1) libraries (1) xplot (1) pythia (1) simd (1) staging, reducer, fusion (1) feed (1) numberphile (1) content spinning (1) staging, regex, cps (1) #quotations (1) unparsing (1) prng, pseudo-random number generator, random (1) folds (1) equality type (1) #quant (1) #hurst (1) #jwt (1) #security (1) intersperse skip insert periodic (1) optics (1) expression problem (1) xamarin (1) maze (1) gtk# (1) writer (1) fft (1) timer (1) stylecop (1) vs2015 (1) #gremlin (1) #cosmosdb (1) #azure (1) #graphdatabase (1) sftp (1) #ftp (1) #ftps (1) update monad (1) writer monad (1) dte (1) encoding (1) base36 (1) #barchart (1) nativeptr (1) #resultbuilder (1) #crossproduct (1) #outerproduct (1) #currying (1) #enum #list (1) nonsense (1) custom operation (1) fraud-detection (1) #operators (1) data mining; (1) frequent itemset (1) holes (1) idris (1) type driven development (1) #knuth (1) #tournament (1) #selection (1) (1) jsonvalue (1) jsonconverter (1) jsonvalueconverter (1) stemming (1) word stem (1) porter stemmer (1) post (1) #fold (1) #foldback (1) implicits (1) fable (1) binary classifier (1) anonymous records (1) benchmark (1) pcg (1) luhn (1) automl (1) motion (1) detection (1) camera (1) tripwire (1) webcam (1) ip camera (1) usb (1) cam (1) intrusion (1) recognition (1) trigger (1) notify (1) camera sdk (1) #yahoofinance (1) #download (1) #financialdata (1) #pca (1) #principalcomponents (1) #factorization (1) #aes (1) #file (1) #rsa (1) matrix, 2d array (1) rotation (1) harshad (1) niven (1) encoding (1) #threading (1) code reuse (1) inclusion-exclusion (1) derivatives (1) polynomials (1) latex (1) base32 (1) berch32 (1) bernoulli numbers (1) hyperharmonic series (1) datatable (1) send (1) sms (1) asp (1) gateway (1) information (1) services (1) gsm (1) modem (1) ip sms (1) smpp (1) aspx.cs (1) aspx (1) #functor (1) #monad (1) free (1) sieve of eratosthenes (1) dotnetcore (1) crosstab (1) pivot (1) interoperability (1) windows service (1) #dependent types (1) #strtree (1) #nettopologysuite (1) unicode (1) pkcs#11 (1) #nested loops (1) #asyncseq (1) elmish (1) #vector field (1) #differential equations (1) #mathematics (1) tax (1) monty hall (1) argu (1) dotenv (1) sudoku (1) pdf (1) spelling corrector (1) #contextawaretask (1) #assemblyresolver (1) #bindingredirect (1) quartz (1) (1) #audio (1) stopwatch (1) measure (1) sankey (1) fsplotly (1) generator (1) markov chain (1) #option (1) #sudoku (1) graph theory; (1) max flow (1) #fable (1) #debounce (1) quicksort (1) herp (1) derp (1) iasyncenumerable (1) iasyncenumerable (1) #pgp (1) decrypt (1) #cache (1) #throttling (1) shift (1) mortality (1) base58check (1) websocket (1) websocket .net (1) kernel density (1) java (1) machine key (1) web.config (1) sha1 (1) aes (1) qr (1) vcard (1)