SRTP and active patterns tricks for mimicking Typescript union types
8 people like thisPosted: 7 years ago by Evgeniy Andreev
An active pattern that protects from null reference exceptions stemming from pattern matches on values materialized by .NET libraries such as Newtonsoft.Json
3 people like thisPosted: 6 years ago by Eirik Tsarpalis
A simple script that automatically recompiles LaTeX documents when they are saved. Works nicely when editing papers in Atom and using SumatraPDF for preview (Sumatra automatically reloads PDF documents). Does not report errors or anything clever (!)
1 people like thisPosted: 5 years ago by Tomas Petricek
We can use active patterns for parsing values of types with defined TryParse methods.
6 people like thisPosted: 4 years ago by Evgeniy Andreev
Recursive function for converting byte array to binary string
2 people like thisPosted: 3 years ago by Martin Lockstrom
We can use active patterns for methods deconstruction. It allow to hide some rough SRTP syntax.
11 people like thisPosted: 7 years ago by Evgeniy Andreev
Posted: 6 years ago by Yuri Martynov
A good use case for demonstrating the use of active patterns
6 people like thisPosted: 4 years ago by Faisal Waris
This is a recursive active pattern for extracting the elements of a list quotation as a list of Exprs, There doesn't seem to be a List pattern in the standard library. The compiler will complain about this recursive pattern unless you use #nowarn "40".
4 people like thisPosted: 3 years ago by allisterb
Active pattern returning list of captured groups with parsing.
0 people like thisPosted: 3 years ago by Evgeniy Andreev