Minimal Inversion of Control (IoC) Container for Dependency Injection (DI) in under 100 lines of code. Implements the 3 Rs of DI: Register, Resolve, Release. Note: missing thread safety and fluent interface.
13 people like thisPosted: 13 years ago by Phillip Trelford
This is a pattern I knocked together to address the issue of global mutable state in the F# compiler.
3 people like thisPosted: 11 years ago by Eirik Tsarpalis
This is a simple IoC implementation that allows registration with optional parametrization.
2 people like thisPosted: 12 years ago by Eirik Tsarpalis
Dependency injection using the cutting edge programming language research, also known as global mutable variable. Is this a serious snippet or not? No category theory and mocking frameworks are required, so probably not.
5 people like thisPosted: 6 years ago by Tomas Petricek