Snippets tagged compose

  • Composing a list of functions

    Composition of functions in F# is easily achieved by using the >> operator. You can also chain an arbitary amount of functions (represented as a list or sequence) together by folding the list/seq with >>. [More formally: the set of endomorphisms 'a -> 'a forms a monoid with the binary, associative operator ">>" (or "<<") and the neutral element "id".]

    86 people like this

    Posted: 13 years ago by Novox

  • Make a chain of functions

    Function composition can be done by using >> operator. The snippet at is a wonderful sample. But that version generates a function which is not easy when you want to debug. This version is to use pipeline (|>) operator.

    27 people like this

    Posted: 12 years ago by Tao Liu