Snippets tagged spatial


    Density-based spatial clustering of applications with noise (DBSCAN) is a data clustering algorithm. For more information see The implementation is based on the pseudocode in the article and the following C# code The implementation is not very functional but does the job. Added pwd by ignorance, the password is "fssnip" (without quotes)

    1 people like this

    Posted: 11 years ago by Samuel Bosch

  • Azimuthal equidistant projection

    Simple and a more optimized implementation of the azimuthal equidistant projection. Input is expected in degrees.

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    Posted: 11 years ago by Samuel Bosch

  • STRTree

    Read-only STRtree backed by NetTopologySuite.Spatial.Index.STRTree

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    Posted: 4 years ago by Swoorup Joshi