Scrap Your Boilerplate with the help of F#. Based on the original paper by Ralf Laemmel and Simon Peyton Jones.
9 people like thisPosted: 13 years ago by Nick Palladinos
This is a toy implementation of GMap using the Infers library and could be improved in several significant ways. For example, Infers is more than powerful enough that GMap could be optimized to generate functions that do not traverse parts of the datatype that do not contain values to map.
2 people like thisPosted: 9 years ago by Vesa Karvonen
TypeShape-driven FsCheck random generator generator with support for arbitrary POCOs
3 people like thisPosted: 8 years ago by Eirik Tsarpalis
Staged generic equality comparer using TypeShape.
1 people like thisPosted: 8 years ago by Eirik Tsarpalis
A generic map using TypeShape
1 people like thisPosted: 8 years ago by Eirik Tsarpalis
Generic, structural IDisposable generator for algebraic data types.
2 people like thisPosted: 7 years ago by Eirik Tsarpalis
Proof of concept combining HKT encodings à la Higher and object algebras to create a fully type-safe, performant and extensible apparatus for writing generic programs in F#
6 people like thisPosted: 5 years ago by Eirik Tsarpalis
Example that combines generic programming using tagless-final and typeshape for driving folding of arbitrary types.
5 people like thisPosted: 5 years ago by Eirik Tsarpalis
A quick snippet showing three different ways of dynamically/reflectively locating a module then invoking a generic function. The first two don't rely on a class. But the third is more readable/understandable for most .NET devs.
5 people like thisPosted: 4 years ago by Cerberus (FSharp Discord)
A typecast free experiment in Generic Programming. Inspired by "Scrap Your Boilerplate (with class)".
8 people like thisPosted: 12 years ago by Nick Palladinos
Application of staging to "scrap your boilerplate" generic programming technique.
2 people like thisPosted: 9 years ago by Nick Palladinos
Staged generic hashcode generation using TypeShape.
0 people like thisPosted: 8 years ago by Eirik Tsarpalis
Generic Parser Generator for F# values using TypeShape and FParsec. Supports recursive types.
4 people like thisPosted: 8 years ago by Eirik Tsarpalis
Defines a generic `mutate : 'T -> 'T` function that structurally mutates every value in the object graph, without performing new allocations. Needless to say, this is intended for educational purposes only.
3 people like thisPosted: 7 years ago by Eirik Tsarpalis
Adaptation of using TypeShape
6 people like thisPosted: 6 years ago by Eirik Tsarpalis
Example that combines generic programming using tagless-final and typeshape for driving folding of arbitrary types.
1 people like thisPosted: 5 years ago by Eirik Tsarpalis
Uses Leibniz equality to generalize an example presented in
3 people like thisPosted: 5 years ago by Eirik Tsarpalis