Small example illustrating how to use Arrays and Sequences to simulate simple Markov chain and evaluate their stationary distribution.
4 people like thisPosted: 12 years ago by Mathias Brandewinder
Simulation and performance measurement of a single-server queue with various arrival and processing rates configurations. More comments on this can be found at
5 people like thisPosted: 12 years ago by Mathias Brandewinder
Estimate the value of PI using a Monte Carlo simulation.
5 people like thisPosted: 12 years ago by Phillip Trelford
Simple walkthrough that demonstrates how to estimate the value of PI using Monte Carlo simulation. A few holes need to be filled in and then you can run & parallelize the sample!
4 people like thisPosted: 12 years ago by Tomas Petricek
A quick exploration of the rather useless question "how does the density of the product of 2 sparse matrices look like?"
0 people like thisPosted: 12 years ago by Mathias Brandewinder