Snippets created by Horacio Nuñez

  • Extensions to the Fold function

    This snippet is helpfull in the following cases: 1) After a consolidation operation using the fold function we need to know how many elements have been processed. 2) A consolidation operation needs to use the index of each of the elements processed and we don't want to use the mapi function first. 3) A combination of the above. Since the following snippet just adds a wrapper to the existing Fold function we can repeat the approach for arrays and sequences (including the plinq ones)

    31 people like this

    Posted: 14 years ago by Horacio Nuñez

  • Asserting Series Convergence: Ramanujan's 1/pi formula

    Asserting a series convergence using high order functions taking for example the 1/pi formula by Ramanujan. Play with the parameters to see where the numeric data types limits makes the function to return false.

    24 people like this

    Posted: 14 years ago by Horacio Nuñez