Here's an attempt at the Erlang ring problem in F#.
1 people like thisPosted: 13 years ago by David Grenier
Playing with the OO Strategy Pattern and the F# type system
2 people like thisPosted: 10 years ago by David Grenier
I think the following function is useful allowing you to do an + defaultArg in one go (plus defaultArg argument order is a little annoying). Might need a better name.
3 people like thisPosted: 10 years ago by David Grenier
Works by forcing yourself to close Outlook and then notifies you an hour later.
4 people like thisPosted: 9 years ago by David Grenier
Converts an excel column identifier like "AR" to a zero-index number
4 people like thisPosted: 10 years ago by David Grenier
Uses dynamic operator to quickly create XML
3 people like thisPosted: 10 years ago by David Grenier
Just something I whipped up to check out the Marvel Comics API using JSON Type Provider
0 people like thisPosted: 10 years ago by David Grenier