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Brute Force Solutions to Viral Math Problem From Vietnam
Solution to Viral Math Problem From Vietnam explained on: http://mindyourdecisions.com/blog/2015/05/20/viral-math-problem-from-vietnam-are-you-smarter-than-an-8-year-old/#.VXhmhs-eDRY
open System
let isFractional n =
n <> (Decimal.Truncate n)
let correct n =
//round after 20th digit after decimal point to fix propagation of floating point errors
Decimal.Round(n, 20)
let resultAndWhetherItHasFractionalSubResults (n : list<decimal>) =
let result = n.[0] + 13M * n.[1] / n.[2] + n.[3] + 12M * n.[4] - n.[5] - 11M + n.[6] * n.[7] / n.[8] - 10M
let hasFractionalSubResults = isFractional (correct(n.[1] / n.[2])) || isFractional (correct(n.[7] / n.[8]))
(correct result, hasFractionalSubResults) //return tuple
let ``1st solution in blog post`` = resultAndWhetherItHasFractionalSubResults ([1; 2; 6; 4; 7; 8; 3; 5; 9] |> List.map (fun n -> n |> decimal))
// source: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/286427/calculating-permutations-in-f
let rec permute list taken =
seq {
if Set.count taken = List.length list
then yield List.empty
for element in list do
if not (Set.contains element taken) then
for permutation in permute list (Set.add element taken) do
yield element::permutation
} |> List.ofSeq
//returns solutions as tuple in the form of ((input, (result, hasFractionalSubResults))
let solutions allowFractionalSubResults=
let numbers = [1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 6; 7; 8; 9] |> List.map (fun n -> n |> decimal)
permute numbers Set.empty
|> List.map (fun input -> (input, resultAndWhetherItHasFractionalSubResults input))
|> List.filter (fun (input, (result, hasFractionalSubResults)) -> result = 66M && (allowFractionalSubResults || (not hasFractionalSubResults)))
let ``solutions WITH fractional sub-results`` = solutions true
let ``number of solutions WITH fractional sub-results`` = ``solutions WITH fractional sub-results`` |> List.length
let ``solutions WITHOUT fractional sub-results`` = solutions false
let ``number of solutions WITHOUT fractional sub-results`` = ``solutions WITHOUT fractional sub-results`` |> List.length
val ( solutions WITH fractional sub-results ) :
(decimal list (decimal bool)) list =
[([1M; 2M; 6M; 4M; 7M; 8M; 3M; 5M; 9M], (66.00000000000000000000M, true));
([1M; 2M; 6M; 4M; 7M; 8M; 5M; 3M; 9M], (66.00000000000000000000M, true));
([1M; 3M; 2M; 4M; 5M; 8M; 7M; 9M; 6M], (66.0M, true));
([1M; 3M; 2M; 4M; 5M; 8M; 9M; 7M; 6M], (66.0M, true));
([1M; 3M; 2M; 9M; 5M; 6M; 4M; 7M; 8M], (66.0M, true));
([1M; 3M; 2M; 9M; 5M; 6M; 7M; 4M; 8M], (66.0M, true));
([1M; 3M; 4M; 7M; 6M; 5M; 2M; 9M; 8M], (66.00M, true));
([1M; 3M; 4M; 7M; 6M; 5M; 9M; 2M; 8M], (66.00M, true));
([1M; 3M; 6M; 2M; 7M; 9M; 4M; 5M; 8M], (66.0M, true));
([1M; 3M; 6M; 2M; 7M; 9M; 5M; 4M; 8M], (66.0M, true));
([1M; 3M; 9M; 4M; 7M; 8M; 2M; 5M; 6M], (66.00000000000000000000M, true));
([1M; 3M; 9M; 4M; 7M; 8M; 5M; 2M; 6M], (66.00000000000000000000M, true));
([1M; 4M; 8M; 2M; 7M; 9M; 3M; 5M; 6M], (66.0M, true));
([1M; 4M; 8M; 2M; 7M; 9M; 5M; 3M; 6M], (66.0M, true));
([1M; 5M; 2M; 3M; 4M; 8M; 7M; 9M; 6M], (66.0M, true));
([1M; 5M; 2M; 3M; 4M; 8M; 9M; 7M; 6M], (66.0M, true));
([1M; 5M; 2M; 8M; 4M; 7M; 3M; 9M; 6M], (66.0M, true));
([1M; 5M; 2M; 8M; 4M; 7M; 9M; 3M; 6M], (66.0M, true));
([1M; 5M; 3M; 9M; 4M; 2M; 7M; 8M; 6M], (66.00000000000000000000M, true));
([1M; 5M; 3M; 9M; 4M; 2M; 8M; 7M; 6M], (66.00000000000000000000M, true));
([1M; 8M; 3M; 7M; 4M; 5M; 2M; 6M; 9M], (66.00000000000000000000M, true));
([1M; 8M; 3M; 7M; 4M; 5M; 6M; 2M; 9M], (66.00000000000000000000M, true));
([1M; 9M; 6M; 4M; 5M; 8M; 3M; 7M; 2M], (66.0M, true));
([1M; 9M; 6M; 4M; 5M; 8M; 7M; 3M; 2M], (66.0M, true));
([1M; 9M; 6M; 7M; 5M; 2M; 3M; 4M; 8M], (66.0M, true));
([1M; 9M; 6M; 7M; 5M; 2M; 4M; 3M; 8M], (66.0M, true));
([2M; 1M; 4M; 3M; 7M; 9M; 5M; 6M; 8M], (66.00M, true));
([2M; 1M; 4M; 3M; 7M; 9M; 6M; 5M; 8M], (66.00M, true));
([2M; 3M; 6M; 1M; 7M; 9M; 4M; 5M; 8M], (66.0M, true));
([2M; 3M; 6M; 1M; 7M; 9M; 5M; 4M; 8M], (66.0M, true));
([2M; 4M; 8M; 1M; 7M; 9M; 3M; 5M; 6M], (66.0M, true));
([2M; 4M; 8M; 1M; 7M; 9M; 5M; 3M; 6M], (66.0M, true));
([2M; 6M; 9M; 8M; 5M; 1M; 4M; 7M; 3M], (66.00000000000000000000M, true));
([2M; 6M; 9M; 8M; 5M; 1M; 7M; 4M; 3M], (66.00000000000000000000M, true));
([2M; 8M; 6M; 9M; 4M; 1M; 5M; 7M; 3M], (66.00000000000000000000M, true));
([2M; 8M; 6M; 9M; 4M; 1M; 7M; 5M; 3M], (66.00000000000000000000M, true));
([2M; 9M; 6M; 3M; 5M; 1M; 4M; 7M; 8M], (66.0M, true));
([2M; 9M; 6M; 3M; 5M; 1M; 7M; 4M; 8M], (66.0M, true));
([3M; 1M; 4M; 2M; 7M; 9M; 5M; 6M; 8M], (66.00M, true));
([3M; 1M; 4M; 2M; 7M; 9M; 6M; 5M; 8M], (66.00M, true));
([3M; 2M; 1M; 5M; 4M; 7M; 8M; 9M; 6M], (66M, true));
([3M; 2M; 1M; 5M; 4M; 7M; 9M; 8M; 6M], (66M, true));
([3M; 2M; 4M; 8M; 5M; 1M; 7M; 9M; 6M], (66.0M, true));
([3M; 2M; 4M; 8M; 5M; 1M; 9M; 7M; 6M], (66.0M, true));
([3M; 2M; 8M; 6M; 5M; 1M; 7M; 9M; 4M], (66.00M, true));
([3M; 2M; 8M; 6M; 5M; 1M; 9M; 7M; 4M], (66.00M, true));
([3M; 5M; 2M; 1M; 4M; 8M; 7M; 9M; 6M], (66.0M, true));
([3M; 5M; 2M; 1M; 4M; 8M; 9M; 7M; 6M], (66.0M, true));
([3M; 6M; 4M; 9M; 5M; 8M; 1M; 7M; 2M], (66.0M, true));
([3M; 6M; 4M; 9M; 5M; 8M; 7M; 1M; 2M], (66.0M, true));
([3M; 9M; 2M; 8M; 1M; 5M; 6M; 7M; 4M], (66.0M, true));
([3M; 9M; 2M; 8M; 1M; 5M; 7M; 6M; 4M], (66.0M, true));
([3M; 9M; 6M; 2M; 5M; 1M; 4M; 7M; 8M], (66.0M, true));
([3M; 9M; 6M; 2M; 5M; 1M; 7M; 4M; 8M], (66.0M, true));
([4M; 2M; 6M; 1M; 7M; 8M; 3M; 5M; 9M], (66.00000000000000000000M, true));
([4M; 2M; 6M; 1M; 7M; 8M; 5M; 3M; 9M], (66.00000000000000000000M, true));
([4M; 3M; 2M; 1M; 5M; 8M; 7M; 9M; 6M], (66.0M, true));
([4M; 3M; 2M; 1M; 5M; 8M; 9M; 7M; 6M], (66.0M, true));
([4M; 3M; 9M; 1M; 7M; 8M; 2M; 5M; 6M], (66.00000000000000000000M, true));
([4M; 3M; 9M; 1M; 7M; 8M; 5M; 2M; 6M], (66.00000000000000000000M, true));
([4M; 9M; 6M; 1M; 5M; 8M; 3M; 7M; 2M], (66.0M, true));
([4M; 9M; 6M; 1M; 5M; 8M; 7M; 3M; 2M], (66.0M, true));
([5M; 1M; 2M; 9M; 6M; 7M; 3M; 4M; 8M], (66.0M, true));
([5M; 1M; 2M; 9M; 6M; 7M; 4M; 3M; 8M], (66.0M, true));
([5M; 2M; 1M; 3M; 4M; 7M; 8M; 9M; 6M], (66M, true));
([5M; 2M; 1M; 3M; 4M; 7M; 9M; 8M; 6M], (66M, true));
([5M; 3M; 1M; 7M; 2M; 6M; 8M; 9M; 4M], (66M, true));
([5M; 3M; 1M; 7M; 2M; 6M; 9M; 8M; 4M], (66M, false));
([5M; 4M; 1M; 9M; 2M; 7M; 3M; 8M; 6M], (66M, true));
([5M; 4M; 1M; 9M; 2M; 7M; 8M; 3M; 6M], (66M, true));
([5M; 4M; 8M; 9M; 6M; 7M; 1M; 3M; 2M], (66.0M, true));
([5M; 4M; 8M; 9M; 6M; 7M; 3M; 1M; 2M], (66.0M, true));
([5M; 7M; 2M; 8M; 3M; 9M; 1M; 6M; 4M], (66.0M, true));
([5M; 7M; 2M; 8M; 3M; 9M; 6M; 1M; 4M], (66.0M, true));
([5M; 9M; 3M; 6M; 2M; 1M; 7M; 8M; 4M], (66M, false));
([5M; 9M; 3M; 6M; 2M; 1M; 8M; 7M; 4M], (66M, true));
([6M; 2M; 8M; 3M; 5M; 1M; 7M; 9M; 4M], (66.00M, true));
([6M; 2M; 8M; 3M; 5M; 1M; 9M; 7M; 4M], (66.00M, true));
([6M; 3M; 1M; 9M; 2M; 5M; 7M; 8M; 4M], (66M, false));
([6M; 3M; 1M; 9M; 2M; 5M; 8M; 7M; 4M], (66M, true));
([6M; 9M; 3M; 5M; 2M; 1M; 7M; 8M; 4M], (66M, false));
([6M; 9M; 3M; 5M; 2M; 1M; 8M; 7M; 4M], (66M, true));
([7M; 1M; 4M; 9M; 6M; 5M; 2M; 3M; 8M], (66.00M, true));
([7M; 1M; 4M; 9M; 6M; 5M; 3M; 2M; 8M], (66.00M, true));
([7M; 2M; 8M; 9M; 6M; 5M; 1M; 3M; 4M], (66.00M, true));
([7M; 2M; 8M; 9M; 6M; 5M; 3M; 1M; 4M], (66.00M, true));
([7M; 3M; 1M; 5M; 2M; 6M; 8M; 9M; 4M], (66M, true));
([7M; 3M; 1M; 5M; 2M; 6M; 9M; 8M; 4M], (66M, false));
([7M; 3M; 2M; 8M; 5M; 9M; 1M; 6M; 4M], (66.0M, true));
([7M; 3M; 2M; 8M; 5M; 9M; 6M; 1M; 4M], (66.0M, true));
([7M; 3M; 4M; 1M; 6M; 5M; 2M; 9M; 8M], (66.00M, ...)); ...]
val ( number of solutions WITH fractional sub-results ) : int = 136
val ( solutions WITHOUT fractional sub-results ) :
(decimal list (decimal bool)) list =
[([5M; 3M; 1M; 7M; 2M; 6M; 9M; 8M; 4M], (66M, false));
([5M; 9M; 3M; 6M; 2M; 1M; 7M; 8M; 4M], (66M, false));
([6M; 3M; 1M; 9M; 2M; 5M; 7M; 8M; 4M], (66M, false));
([6M; 9M; 3M; 5M; 2M; 1M; 7M; 8M; 4M], (66M, false));
([7M; 3M; 1M; 5M; 2M; 6M; 9M; 8M; 4M], (66M, false));
([9M; 3M; 1M; 6M; 2M; 5M; 7M; 8M; 4M], (66M, false))]
val ( number of solutions WITHOUT fractional sub-results ) : int = 6
namespace System
val isFractional : n:decimal -> bool
Full name: Script.isFractional
val n : decimal
Multiple items
type Decimal =
new : value:int -> decimal + 7 overloads
member CompareTo : value:obj -> int + 1 overload
member Equals : value:obj -> bool + 1 overload
member GetHashCode : unit -> int
member GetTypeCode : unit -> TypeCode
member ToString : unit -> string + 3 overloads
static val Zero : decimal
static val One : decimal
static val MinusOne : decimal
static val MaxValue : decimal
Full name: System.Decimal
Decimal(value: int) : unit
Decimal(value: uint32) : unit
Decimal(value: int64) : unit
Decimal(value: uint64) : unit
Decimal(value: float32) : unit
Decimal(value: float) : unit
Decimal(bits: int []) : unit
Decimal(lo: int, mid: int, hi: int, isNegative: bool, scale: byte) : unit
Decimal.Truncate(d: decimal) : decimal
val correct : n:decimal -> decimal
Full name: Script.correct
Decimal.Round(d: decimal) : decimal
Decimal.Round(d: decimal, mode: MidpointRounding) : decimal
Decimal.Round(d: decimal, decimals: int) : decimal
Decimal.Round(d: decimal, decimals: int, mode: MidpointRounding) : decimal
val resultAndWhetherItHasFractionalSubResults : n:decimal list -> decimal * bool
Full name: Script.resultAndWhetherItHasFractionalSubResults
val n : decimal list
type 'T list = List<'T>
Full name: Microsoft.FSharp.Collections.list<_>
Multiple items
val decimal : value:'T -> decimal (requires member op_Explicit)
Full name: Microsoft.FSharp.Core.Operators.decimal
type decimal = Decimal
Full name: Microsoft.FSharp.Core.decimal
type decimal<'Measure> = decimal
Full name: Microsoft.FSharp.Core.decimal<_>
val result : decimal
val hasFractionalSubResults : bool
val ( 1st solution in blog post ) : decimal * bool
Full name: Script.( 1st solution in blog post )
Multiple items
module List
from Microsoft.FSharp.Collections
type List<'T> =
| ( [] )
| ( :: ) of Head: 'T * Tail: 'T list
interface IEnumerable
interface IEnumerable<'T>
member Head : 'T
member IsEmpty : bool
member Item : index:int -> 'T with get
member Length : int
member Tail : 'T list
static member Cons : head:'T * tail:'T list -> 'T list
static member Empty : 'T list
Full name: Microsoft.FSharp.Collections.List<_>
val map : mapping:('T -> 'U) -> list:'T list -> 'U list
Full name: Microsoft.FSharp.Collections.List.map
val n : int
val permute : list:'a list -> taken:Set<'a> -> 'a list list (requires comparison)
Full name: Script.permute
Multiple items
val list : 'a list (requires comparison)
type 'T list = List<'T>
Full name: Microsoft.FSharp.Collections.list<_>
val taken : Set<'a> (requires comparison)
Multiple items
val seq : sequence:seq<'T> -> seq<'T>
Full name: Microsoft.FSharp.Core.Operators.seq
type seq<'T> = Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<'T>
Full name: Microsoft.FSharp.Collections.seq<_>
Multiple items
module Set
from Microsoft.FSharp.Collections
type Set<'T (requires comparison)> =
interface IComparable
interface IEnumerable
interface IEnumerable<'T>
interface ICollection<'T>
new : elements:seq<'T> -> Set<'T>
member Add : value:'T -> Set<'T>
member Contains : value:'T -> bool
override Equals : obj -> bool
member IsProperSubsetOf : otherSet:Set<'T> -> bool
member IsProperSupersetOf : otherSet:Set<'T> -> bool
Full name: Microsoft.FSharp.Collections.Set<_>
new : elements:seq<'T> -> Set<'T>
val count : set:Set<'T> -> int (requires comparison)
Full name: Microsoft.FSharp.Collections.Set.count
val length : list:'T list -> int
Full name: Microsoft.FSharp.Collections.List.length
val empty<'T> : 'T list
Full name: Microsoft.FSharp.Collections.List.empty
val element : 'a (requires comparison)
val not : value:bool -> bool
Full name: Microsoft.FSharp.Core.Operators.not
val contains : element:'T -> set:Set<'T> -> bool (requires comparison)
Full name: Microsoft.FSharp.Collections.Set.contains
val permutation : 'a list (requires comparison)
val add : value:'T -> set:Set<'T> -> Set<'T> (requires comparison)
Full name: Microsoft.FSharp.Collections.Set.add
val ofSeq : source:seq<'T> -> 'T list
Full name: Microsoft.FSharp.Collections.List.ofSeq
val solutions : allowFractionalSubResults:bool -> (decimal list * (decimal * bool)) list
Full name: Script.solutions
val allowFractionalSubResults : bool
val numbers : decimal list
val empty<'T (requires comparison)> : Set<'T> (requires comparison)
Full name: Microsoft.FSharp.Collections.Set.empty
val input : decimal list
val filter : predicate:('T -> bool) -> list:'T list -> 'T list
Full name: Microsoft.FSharp.Collections.List.filter
val ( solutions WITH fractional sub-results ) : (decimal list * (decimal * bool)) list
Full name: Script.( solutions WITH fractional sub-results )
val ( number of solutions WITH fractional sub-results ) : int
Full name: Script.( number of solutions WITH fractional sub-results )
val ( solutions WITHOUT fractional sub-results ) : (decimal list * (decimal * bool)) list
Full name: Script.( solutions WITHOUT fractional sub-results )
val ( number of solutions WITHOUT fractional sub-results ) : int
Full name: Script.( number of solutions WITHOUT fractional sub-results )
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