Update snippet 'HList with Mapper and Folder'
Extended from: http://www.fssnip.net/d2
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type HList = interface end and HNil = HNil with static member inline (|*|) (f, HNil) = f $ HNil interface HList and HCons<'a, 'b when 'b :> HList> = HCons of 'a * 'b with static member inline (|*|) (f, HCons(x, xs)) = f $ HCons(x, xs) interface HList type Peano = interface end and Zero = Zero with static member inline (|*|) (f, Zero) = f $ Zero interface Peano and Succ<'a when 'a :> Peano> = Succ of 'a with static member inline (|*|) (f, Succ(x)) = f $ Succ(x) interface Peano type Bool = interface end and True = True with interface Bool and False = False with interface Bool let inline (^+^) head tail = HCons(head, tail) // Examples let first = 1 ^+^ '1' ^+^ HNil let second = "1" ^+^ true ^+^ HNil let third = "one" ^+^ 123 ^+^ HNil let inline head (HCons(h,t)) = h let inline tail (HCons(h,t)) = t tail third // HCons (123,HNil) (tail >> tail) third // HNil (tail >> tail >> tail) third // compiler error type Append = Append with static member ($) (Append, HNil) = id static member inline ($) (Append, HCons(x, xs)) = fun list -> HCons (x, (Append |*| xs) list) let result = (Append $ first) second // HCons (1,HCons ('1',HCons ("1",HCons (true,HNil)))) type Length = Length with static member ($) (Length, HNil) = Zero static member inline ($) (Length, HCons(x, xs)) = Succ (Length |*| xs) let length = Length $ result // Succ (Succ (Succ (Succ Zero))) type Count = Count with static member ($) (Count, HNil) = 0 static member inline ($) (Count, HCons(x, xs)) = 1 + (Count |*| xs) let count = Count $ result // 4 // Mapper Construct for HList type Mapper<'a> = Mapper of 'a with static member ($) (Mapper(M), HNil) = HNil static member inline ($) (Mapper(M), HCons(x, xs)) = HCons(M $ x, (Mapper(M) |*| (xs))) // Map Example type ZeroMap = ZeroMap with static member inline ($) (ZeroMap, s: string) = "" static member inline ($) (ZeroMap, i: int) = 0 Mapper(ZeroMap) $ third //HCons<string,HCons<int,HNil>> = HCons ("",HCons (0,HNil)) Mapper(ZeroMap) $ second // Compiler error because bool isn't defined on ZeroMap let ZeroMapper = Mapper(ZeroMap) ZeroMapper $ third //HCons<string,HCons<int,HNil>> = HCons ("",HCons (0,HNil)) // Folder Construct for HList type Folder<'a, 'v> = Folder of 'a * 'v with static member ($) (Folder(F, v), HNil) = v static member inline ($) (Folder(F, v), HCons(x, xs)) = Folder(F, F $ (v,x)) |*| xs // Example of converting to strings and folding them up type StrFolder = StrFolder with static member inline ($) (StrFolder, (s1: string, s2: string)) = s1 + s2 static member inline ($) (StrFolder, (s1: string, i2: int)) = s1 + (string i2) Folder(StrFolder, "") $ third // "one123" Folder(StrFolder, "") $ second // Compiler error because string * bool is not defined on StrFolder // Example of reversing and HList with a Folder type RevFolder = RevFolder with static member inline ($) (RevFolder, (HNil, v)) = HCons(v, HNil) static member inline ($) (RevFolder, (HCons(x, xs), v)) = HCons(v, HCons(x, xs)) Folder(RevFolder, HNil) $ third // HCons (123,HCons ("one",HNil))
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