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Querying NuGet via OData TypeProvider
Querying NuGet package manager via OData TypeProvider
#r "FSharp.Data.TypeProviders"
#r "System.Data.Services.Client"
module PackageManager
type Nuget = Microsoft.FSharp.Data.TypeProviders.ODataService<"https://nuget.org/api/v2">
let NugetConnection = Nuget.GetDataContext()
let fetchNugetInfo id version =
query { for package in NugetConnection.Packages do
where (package.Id = id && package.Version = version)
select package.Title
//fetchNugetInfo "EntityFramework" "" |> Seq.iter (Console.WriteLine)
type Nuget =
static member GetDataContext : unit -> V2FeedContext + 1 overload
nested type ServiceTypes
Full name: Script.Nuget
<summary>Provides the types to access an OData service</summary><param name="ServiceUri">The Uri for the OData service</param><param name='LocalSchemaFile'>The local .csdl file for the service schema</param><param name='ForceUpdate'>Require that a direct connection to the service be available at design-time and force the refresh of the local schema file (default: true)</param><param name='ResolutionFolder'>The folder used to resolve relative file paths at compile-time (default: folder containing the project or script)</param><param name='DataServiceCollection'>Generate collections derived from DataServiceCollection (default: false)</param>
namespace Microsoft
namespace Microsoft.FSharp
namespace Microsoft.FSharp.Data
namespace Microsoft.FSharp.Data.TypeProviders
type ODataService
Full name: Microsoft.FSharp.Data.TypeProviders.ODataService
<summary>Provides the types to access an OData service</summary><param name="ServiceUri">The Uri for the OData service</param><param name='LocalSchemaFile'>The local .csdl file for the service schema</param><param name='ForceUpdate'>Require that a direct connection to the service be available at design-time and force the refresh of the local schema file (default: true)</param><param name='ResolutionFolder'>The folder used to resolve relative file paths at compile-time (default: folder containing the project or script)</param><param name='DataServiceCollection'>Generate collections derived from DataServiceCollection (default: false)</param>
val NugetConnection : Nuget.ServiceTypes.SimpleDataContextTypes.V2FeedContext
Full name: Script.NugetConnection
Nuget.GetDataContext() : Nuget.ServiceTypes.SimpleDataContextTypes.V2FeedContext
Get a simplified data context for this OData Service. By default, no credentials are set
Nuget.GetDataContext(uri: System.Uri) : Nuget.ServiceTypes.SimpleDataContextTypes.V2FeedContext
Get a simplified data context for this OData Service. By default, no credentials are set
val fetchNugetInfo : id:string -> version:string -> System.Linq.IQueryable<string>
Full name: Script.fetchNugetInfo
val id : string
val version : string
val query : Linq.QueryBuilder
Full name: Microsoft.FSharp.Core.ExtraTopLevelOperators.query
val package : Nuget.ServiceTypes.V2FeedPackage
property Nuget.ServiceTypes.SimpleDataContextTypes.V2FeedContext.Packages: System.Data.Services.Client.DataServiceQuery<Nuget.ServiceTypes.V2FeedPackage>
Gets the 'Packages' entities from the OData Service. This property may be used as the source in a query expression.
custom operation: where (bool)
Calls Linq.QueryBuilder.Where
property Nuget.ServiceTypes.V2FeedPackage.Id: string
property Nuget.ServiceTypes.V2FeedPackage.Version: string
custom operation: select ('Result)
Calls Linq.QueryBuilder.Select
property Nuget.ServiceTypes.V2FeedPackage.Title: string
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