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playing with dns + async composition
just some snippets ive been using to play around with async + DNS, nothing production, updated: ipsOfDomain and domainOfIp now both return string array
let maybe f x = try Some (f x) with _ -> None
module ns =
open System
open System.Net
let child f = Async.StartChild(f, 25200)
let maybeAsync f x = async { return (maybe f x) }
let childAsync f =
async { try let! x = f in return! x with _ -> return None }
let tryAsyncDnsWithChild f =
maybeAsync f >> child >> childAsync
let findHosts f hosts =
|> Array.map (tryAsyncDnsWithChild f)
|> Async.Parallel
|> Async.RunSynchronously
|> Array.filter ((<>) None)
let getFirstEntry a = maybe (Array.get a) 0
let getHostName (h : string) = (Dns.GetHostEntry h).HostName
let getHostAddr (h : string) = Dns.GetHostAddresses h |> getFirstEntry |> string
let g f h = [| findHosts f h |> getFirstEntry |> Option.get |]
let ipsOfDomain = g getHostAddr
let domainOfIp = g getHostName
val maybe : f:('a -> 'b) -> x:'a -> 'b option
Full name: Script.maybe
val f : ('a -> 'b)
val x : 'a
union case Option.Some: Value: 'T -> Option<'T>
union case Option.None: Option<'T>
module ns
from Script
namespace System
namespace System.Net
val child : f:Async<'a> -> Async<Async<'a>>
Full name: Script.ns.child
val f : Async<'a>
Multiple items
type Async
static member AsBeginEnd : computation:('Arg -> Async<'T>) -> ('Arg * AsyncCallback * obj -> IAsyncResult) * (IAsyncResult -> 'T) * (IAsyncResult -> unit)
static member AwaitEvent : event:IEvent<'Del,'T> * ?cancelAction:(unit -> unit) -> Async<'T> (requires delegate and 'Del :> Delegate)
static member AwaitIAsyncResult : iar:IAsyncResult * ?millisecondsTimeout:int -> Async<bool>
static member AwaitTask : task:Task<'T> -> Async<'T>
static member AwaitWaitHandle : waitHandle:WaitHandle * ?millisecondsTimeout:int -> Async<bool>
static member CancelDefaultToken : unit -> unit
static member Catch : computation:Async<'T> -> Async<Choice<'T,exn>>
static member FromBeginEnd : beginAction:(AsyncCallback * obj -> IAsyncResult) * endAction:(IAsyncResult -> 'T) * ?cancelAction:(unit -> unit) -> Async<'T>
static member FromBeginEnd : arg:'Arg1 * beginAction:('Arg1 * AsyncCallback * obj -> IAsyncResult) * endAction:(IAsyncResult -> 'T) * ?cancelAction:(unit -> unit) -> Async<'T>
static member FromBeginEnd : arg1:'Arg1 * arg2:'Arg2 * beginAction:('Arg1 * 'Arg2 * AsyncCallback * obj -> IAsyncResult) * endAction:(IAsyncResult -> 'T) * ?cancelAction:(unit -> unit) -> Async<'T>
static member FromBeginEnd : arg1:'Arg1 * arg2:'Arg2 * arg3:'Arg3 * beginAction:('Arg1 * 'Arg2 * 'Arg3 * AsyncCallback * obj -> IAsyncResult) * endAction:(IAsyncResult -> 'T) * ?cancelAction:(unit -> unit) -> Async<'T>
static member FromContinuations : callback:(('T -> unit) * (exn -> unit) * (OperationCanceledException -> unit) -> unit) -> Async<'T>
static member Ignore : computation:Async<'T> -> Async<unit>
static member OnCancel : interruption:(unit -> unit) -> Async<IDisposable>
static member Parallel : computations:seq<Async<'T>> -> Async<'T []>
static member RunSynchronously : computation:Async<'T> * ?timeout:int * ?cancellationToken:CancellationToken -> 'T
static member Sleep : millisecondsDueTime:int -> Async<unit>
static member Start : computation:Async<unit> * ?cancellationToken:CancellationToken -> unit
static member StartAsTask : computation:Async<'T> * ?taskCreationOptions:TaskCreationOptions * ?cancellationToken:CancellationToken -> Task<'T>
static member StartChild : computation:Async<'T> * ?millisecondsTimeout:int -> Async<Async<'T>>
static member StartChildAsTask : computation:Async<'T> * ?taskCreationOptions:TaskCreationOptions -> Async<Task<'T>>
static member StartImmediate : computation:Async<unit> * ?cancellationToken:CancellationToken -> unit
static member StartWithContinuations : computation:Async<'T> * continuation:('T -> unit) * exceptionContinuation:(exn -> unit) * cancellationContinuation:(OperationCanceledException -> unit) * ?cancellationToken:CancellationToken -> unit
static member SwitchToContext : syncContext:SynchronizationContext -> Async<unit>
static member SwitchToNewThread : unit -> Async<unit>
static member SwitchToThreadPool : unit -> Async<unit>
static member TryCancelled : computation:Async<'T> * compensation:(OperationCanceledException -> unit) -> Async<'T>
static member CancellationToken : Async<CancellationToken>
static member DefaultCancellationToken : CancellationToken
Full name: Microsoft.FSharp.Control.Async
type Async<'T>
Full name: Microsoft.FSharp.Control.Async<_>
static member Async.StartChild : computation:Async<'T> * ?millisecondsTimeout:int -> Async<Async<'T>>
val maybeAsync : f:('a -> 'b) -> x:'a -> Async<'b option>
Full name: Script.ns.maybeAsync
val async : AsyncBuilder
Full name: Microsoft.FSharp.Core.ExtraTopLevelOperators.async
val childAsync : f:Async<Async<'a option>> -> Async<'a option>
Full name: Script.ns.childAsync
val f : Async<Async<'a option>>
val x : Async<'a option>
val tryAsyncDnsWithChild : f:('a -> 'b) -> ('a -> Async<'b option>)
Full name: Script.ns.tryAsyncDnsWithChild
val findHosts : f:('a -> 'b) -> hosts:'a [] -> 'b option [] (requires equality)
Full name: Script.ns.findHosts
val f : ('a -> 'b) (requires equality)
val hosts : 'a []
type Array =
member Clone : unit -> obj
member CopyTo : array:Array * index:int -> unit + 1 overload
member GetEnumerator : unit -> IEnumerator
member GetLength : dimension:int -> int
member GetLongLength : dimension:int -> int64
member GetLowerBound : dimension:int -> int
member GetUpperBound : dimension:int -> int
member GetValue : [<ParamArray>] indices:int[] -> obj + 7 overloads
member Initialize : unit -> unit
member IsFixedSize : bool
Full name: System.Array
val map : mapping:('T -> 'U) -> array:'T [] -> 'U []
Full name: Microsoft.FSharp.Collections.Array.map
static member Async.Parallel : computations:seq<Async<'T>> -> Async<'T []>
static member Async.RunSynchronously : computation:Async<'T> * ?timeout:int * ?cancellationToken:Threading.CancellationToken -> 'T
val filter : predicate:('T -> bool) -> array:'T [] -> 'T []
Full name: Microsoft.FSharp.Collections.Array.filter
val getFirstEntry : a:'a [] -> 'a option
Full name: Script.ns.getFirstEntry
val a : 'a []
val get : array:'T [] -> index:int -> 'T
Full name: Microsoft.FSharp.Collections.Array.get
val getHostName : h:string -> string
Full name: Script.ns.getHostName
val h : string
Multiple items
val string : value:'T -> string
Full name: Microsoft.FSharp.Core.Operators.string
type string = String
Full name: Microsoft.FSharp.Core.string
type Dns =
static member BeginGetHostAddresses : hostNameOrAddress:string * requestCallback:AsyncCallback * state:obj -> IAsyncResult
static member BeginGetHostByName : hostName:string * requestCallback:AsyncCallback * stateObject:obj -> IAsyncResult
static member BeginGetHostEntry : hostNameOrAddress:string * requestCallback:AsyncCallback * stateObject:obj -> IAsyncResult + 1 overload
static member BeginResolve : hostName:string * requestCallback:AsyncCallback * stateObject:obj -> IAsyncResult
static member EndGetHostAddresses : asyncResult:IAsyncResult -> IPAddress[]
static member EndGetHostByName : asyncResult:IAsyncResult -> IPHostEntry
static member EndGetHostEntry : asyncResult:IAsyncResult -> IPHostEntry
static member EndResolve : asyncResult:IAsyncResult -> IPHostEntry
static member GetHostAddresses : hostNameOrAddress:string -> IPAddress[]
static member GetHostByAddress : address:string -> IPHostEntry + 1 overload
Full name: System.Net.Dns
Dns.GetHostEntry(address: IPAddress) : IPHostEntry
Dns.GetHostEntry(hostNameOrAddress: string) : IPHostEntry
val getHostAddr : h:string -> string
Full name: Script.ns.getHostAddr
Dns.GetHostAddresses(hostNameOrAddress: string) : IPAddress []
val g : f:('a -> 'b) -> h:'a [] -> 'b option [] (requires equality)
Full name: Script.ns.g
val h : 'a []
module Option
from Microsoft.FSharp.Core
val get : option:'T option -> 'T
Full name: Microsoft.FSharp.Core.Option.get
val ipsOfDomain : (string [] -> string option [])
Full name: Script.ns.ipsOfDomain
val domainOfIp : (string [] -> string option [])
Full name: Script.ns.domainOfIp
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