Update snippet 'Processing Prices & Charting (Setup)'
Implements simple library for downloading Yahoo stock prices and displaying charts in Try F#. This snippet loads another one with examples.
Source code
open System open System.Net open System.Windows open System.Windows.Shapes open System.Windows.Media open System.Windows.Controls open System.Threading open Microsoft.TryFSharp // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // Downloading & visualizing stock prices from Yahoo /// Asynchronously downloads stock prices from Yahoo /// (uses a proxy to enable cross-domain downloads) let downloadPricesAsync from stock = async { // Download price from Yahoo let wc = new WebClient() let url = "http://ichart.finance.yahoo.com/table.csv?s=" + stock let proxy = "http://tomasp.net/tryjoinads/proxy.aspx?url=" + url let! html = wc.AsyncDownloadString(Uri(proxy)) let lines = html.Split([|'\n'; '\r'|], StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries) // Return sequence that reads the prices let data = seq { for line in lines |> Seq.skip 1 do let infos = (line:string).Split(',') let dt = DateTime.Parse(infos.[0]) let op = float infos.[1] if dt > from then yield (* dt, *) op } return data |> Array.ofSeq |> Array.rev |> Seq.ofArray } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // Helpers & wrappers module Seq = let rev data = data |> List.ofSeq |> List.rev |> Seq.ofList // Synchronous wrapper type Yahoo = static member GetPrices(stock, ?from) = let from = defaultArg from DateTime.MinValue downloadPricesAsync from stock |> Async.RunSynchronously // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // Drawing charts /// Create a line geometry from a sequence of float values let createGeometry (min, max) width height data = let offsetX, offsetY = 20.0, 20.0 let rec trimData data = if Seq.length data > int width / 2 then data |> Seq.mapi (fun i v -> i%2=0, v) |> Seq.filter fst |> Seq.map snd |> trimData else data let data = trimData data let scale v = height - ((v - min) / (max - min) * height) let data = data |> Seq.map scale |> Seq.pairwise let geometry = new GeometryGroup() let step = width / float (Seq.length data) for i, (prev, next) in Seq.zip [ 0 .. Seq.length data ] data do let f = Point(offsetX + float i * step, prev + offsetY) let t = Point(offsetX + float (i + 1) * step, next + offsetY) let line = LineGeometry(StartPoint = f, EndPoint = t) geometry.Children.Add(line) geometry /// Create line chart - returns a function that can be /// used to set the data of the line chart let createLineChart color width height range data = let path = new Path(Stroke = new SolidColorBrush(color), StrokeThickness = 2.0) App.Console.Canvas.Children.Add(path) path.Data <- createGeometry range width height data /// Runs an F# asynchronous workflow on the GUI thread in TryFSharp let runUserInterface work = let tok = new CancellationTokenSource() App.Dispatch (fun() -> Async.StartImmediate(work, tok.Token) App.Console.CanvasPosition <- CanvasPosition.Right) |> ignore tok /// Mutable variable (yeah!) to count number of charts let plotCount = ref 0 let colors = [| 136,0,21; 34,177,76; 237,28,36 0,162,232; 255,127,40; 63,72,204 255,242,0; 163,73,163; 16, 16, 16 |] type Plot = /// Plot the specified data static member Line(data, ?name, ?range) = let range = defaultArg range (Seq.min data, Seq.max data) let name = defaultArg name (sprintf "Plot %d" plotCount.Value) let addControl ctl x y = Canvas.SetTop(ctl, y) Canvas.SetLeft(ctl, x) App.Console.Canvas.Children.Add(ctl) /// Add legend to list & create GUI let addLegend name color = let box = Rectangle(Width = 30.0, Height = 30.0) addControl box 550.0 (20.0 + float (plotCount.Value * 50)) let block = TextBlock(FontSize = 20.0, Text = name, Width = 200.0) addControl block 590.0 (20.0 + float (plotCount.Value * 50)) box.Fill <- new SolidColorBrush(color) App.Dispatch (fun() -> App.Console.CanvasPosition <- CanvasPosition.Right let r, g, b = colors.[plotCount.Value % colors.Length] let color = Color.FromArgb(255uy, byte r, byte g, byte b) addLegend name color createLineChart color 500.0 200.0 range data incr plotCount ) // Function that clears the window & resets count static member Clear() = App.Dispatch(fun () -> plotCount := 0 App.Console.Canvas.Children.Clear() ) |> ignore // Load snippet 'co', which contains examples that use this librar App.Dispatch (fun () -> App.Console.ClearOutput() App.Console.LoadFromUrl("http://fssnip.net/raw/co") )
try f#
try f#
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