Update snippet 'Using AutoMapper with F#'
This wrapper will handle translating F# quotations into LINQ expressions that AutoMapper can use, enabling AutoMapper to be configured from F# code. You must reference AutoMapper and FSharp.PowerPack.Linq, or include Linq.fsi and Linq.fs from the PowerPack into your project.
Source code
#if INTERACTIVE #r "FSharp.PowerPack.Linq.dll" #r "AutoMapper.dll" #endif namespace Microsoft.FSharp.Quotations module Expr = open System open System.Linq.Expressions open Microsoft.FSharp.Quotations open Microsoft.FSharp.Linq.QuotationEvaluation /// Translates simple F# quotation to LINQ expression /// (the function supports only variables, property getters, /// method calls and static method calls) // http://www.fssnip.net/c6 let rec private translateSimpleExpr expr = match expr with | Patterns.Var(var) -> // Variable access Expression.Variable(var.Type, var.Name) :> Expression | Patterns.PropertyGet(Some inst, pi, []) -> // Getter of an instance property let instExpr = translateSimpleExpr inst Expression.Property(instExpr, pi) :> Expression | Patterns.Call(Some inst, mi, args) -> // Method call - translate instance & arguments recursively let argsExpr = Seq.map translateSimpleExpr args let instExpr = translateSimpleExpr inst Expression.Call(instExpr, mi, argsExpr) :> Expression | Patterns.Call(None, mi, args) -> // Static method call - no instance let argsExpr = Seq.map translateSimpleExpr args Expression.Call(mi, argsExpr) :> Expression | _ -> failwith "not supported" // http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10658207/using-automapper-with-f let ToAutoMapperGet (expr:Expr<'a -> 'b>) = match expr with | Patterns.Lambda(v, body) -> // Build LINQ style lambda expression let bodyExpr = Expression.Convert(translateSimpleExpr body, typeof<obj>) let paramExpr = Expression.Parameter(v.Type, v.Name) Expression.Lambda<Func<'a, obj>>(bodyExpr, paramExpr) | _ -> failwith "not supported" // http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10647198/how-to-convert-expra-b-to-expressionfunca-obj let ToFuncExpression (expr:Expr<'a -> 'b>) = let call = expr.ToLinqExpression() :?> MethodCallExpression let lambda = call.Arguments.[0] :?> LambdaExpression Expression.Lambda<Func<'a, 'b>>(lambda.Body, lambda.Parameters) namespace AutoMapper /// Functions for working with AutoMapper using F# quotations, /// in a manner that is compatible with F# type-inference. module AutoMap = open System open Microsoft.FSharp.Quotations let forMember (destMember: Expr<'dest -> 'mbr>) (memberOpts: IMemberConfigurationExpression<'source> -> unit) (map: IMappingExpression<'source, 'dest>) = map.ForMember(Expr.ToAutoMapperGet destMember, memberOpts) let mapMember destMember (sourceMap:Expr<'source -> 'mapped>) = forMember destMember (fun o -> o.MapFrom(Expr.ToFuncExpression sourceMap)) let ignoreMember destMember = forMember destMember (fun o -> o.Ignore()) let forMemberName (destMember: string) (memberOpts: IMemberConfigurationExpression<'source> -> unit) (map: IMappingExpression<'source, 'dest>) = map.ForMember(destMember, memberOpts) let mapMemberName destMember (sourceMap:Expr<'source -> 'mapped>) = forMemberName destMember (fun o -> o.MapFrom(Expr.ToFuncExpression sourceMap)) let ignoreMemberName destMember = forMemberName destMember (fun o -> o.Ignore()) [<AutoOpen>] module AutoMapperExtensions = open System open System.Collections.Generic let inline isNull x = Object.ReferenceEquals(x, null) type IList<'a> with member this.MapTo<'b> () = if isNull this then nullArg "this" Mapper.Map(this, this.GetType(), typeof<ResizeArray<'b>>) :?> IList<'b> type IEnumerable<'a> with member this.MapTo<'b> () = if isNull this then nullArg "this" Mapper.Map(this, this.GetType(), typeof<IEnumerable<'b>>) :?> IEnumerable<'b> type System.Collections.IEnumerable with member this.MapTo<'b> () = if isNull this then nullArg "this" Mapper.Map(this, this.GetType(), typeof<IEnumerable<'b>>) :?> IEnumerable<'b> type System.Object with member this.MapTo<'b> () = if isNull this then nullArg "this" Mapper.Map(this, this.GetType(), typeof<'b>) :?> 'b member this.MapPropertiesToInstance<'b>(value:'b) = if isNull this then nullArg "this" Mapper.Map(this, value, this.GetType(), typeof<'b>) :?> 'b member this.DynamicMapTo<'b> () = if isNull this then nullArg "this" Mapper.DynamicMap(this, this.GetType(), typeof<'b>) :?> 'b
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