Update snippet 'Take a sample of a sequence'
Take a sample of a specified length from a sequence. The sample is guaranteed to be of the requested size (unless there are too few elements in the original sequence). Sample items will be taken at equal intervals. (This version with some simplifications and tidy-ups.)
Source code
open System module Seq = // As Seq.filter but provide i as a parameter to the filter function. let filteri f s = s |> Seq.mapi (fun i elem -> i, elem) |> Seq.filter (fun (i, elem) -> f i elem) |> Seq.map (fun (_, elem) -> elem) module Sample = let sample size seq = // Get sample length: let len = seq |> Seq.length // Handle request for sample from empty sequence: if size = 0 then Seq.empty else // Approximate an interval between samples: let interval = Math.Max(len / size, 1) // Get the sample, truncating in case rounding meant too many elements: seq |> Seq.filteri (fun i _ -> i % interval = 0) |> Seq.truncate size open Sample let eleven = [1..11] // seq [1] let test1 = eleven |> sample 1 // seq [1; 7] let test2 = eleven |> sample 2 // seq [1; 5; 9] let test3 = eleven |> sample 3 // seq [1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 6; 7; 8; 9; 10; 11] let test11 = eleven |> sample 11 // seq [1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 6; 7; 8; 9; 10; 11] let test12 = eleven |> sample 12
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