Update snippet 'Using NBitcoin to create private BlockChain with F# (FSharp)'
This is just an initial example / tech-demo.
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#if INTERACTIVE #I "./../packages/NBitcoin/lib/net45/" #I "./../packages/Newtonsoft.Json/lib/net45" #r "NBitcoin.dll" #r "Newtonsoft.Json.dll" #else module BlockChain #endif open System open NBitcoin open NBitcoin.Protocol // -------------- GENERAL BLOCKCHAIN NETWORK SETTINGS -------------- // let network = // Select your network // Network.Main // Network.Test // Or create your own: let builder = NetworkBuilder() builder.CopyFrom Network.Main let genesis = Network.Main.GetGenesis() //builder.SetGenesis( {genesis.Header.UpdateTime with Ti } builder.SetName("MyBlockChain").BuildAndRegister() /// Generate a new wallet private key for a new user as byte array let getNewPrivateKey() = Key().ToBytes() /// Create BitcoinSecret from byte array let getSecret(bytes:byte[]) = BitcoinSecret(Key(bytes), network) // --------- CUSTOM BLOCKCHAIN AND ITS COMPLEXITY --------- // /// Complexity of valid mining. Genesis is having 10. /// But this comes down to how much resources you are willing to /// spend to validate blockchain. Note: Some part of blockchain /// security comes from the fact that valid hashes are not so easy /// to calculate, making the generation of alternative valid blockchain slow. let leadingZeros = "0000" /// Validation of blockchain hashes. type BlockChainCheck = /// No validation | NoWork /// Validation of leadingZeros amount only | EasyWork /// Default Bitcoin level validation | CorrectWork /// The normal bitcoin validation is leading zeros in hashcodes. /// Normal mining taking a lot of resources. So this is more /// lightweight option to mining (with less zeros). type ChainedBlock with /// Re-implementation of Validate() member cb.ValidateEasy(network:Network) = let genesis = cb.Height = 0 if (not genesis) && cb.Previous = null then false else let heightCorrect = genesis || cb.Height = cb.Previous.Height + 1 let genesisCorrect = (not genesis) || cb.HashBlock = network.GetGenesis().GetHash() let hashPrevCorrect = genesis || cb.Header.HashPrevBlock = cb.Previous.HashBlock let hashCorrect = cb.HashBlock = cb.Header.GetHash() let workCorrect = genesis || cb.Header.GetHash().ToString().StartsWith leadingZeros heightCorrect && genesisCorrect && hashPrevCorrect && hashCorrect && workCorrect type ChainBase with /// Re-implementation of Validate() member cb.ValidateEasy(network:Network, ?fullChain) = let tip = cb.Tip if tip = null then false else match fullChain with | None | Some true -> let anyFails = tip.EnumerateToGenesis() |> Seq.exists(fun block -> not(block.ValidateEasy network)) not anyFails | Some false -> tip.ValidateEasy network /// This will mine the correct hash. /// Performance is not optimized: if you would really want to do /// mining, you would probably want to use some more parallel algorithm. let ``mine to correct`` checkType (chain:ConcurrentChain) (block:Block) = let validation = match checkType with | NoWork -> fun (cb:ChainedBlock) -> true | EasyWork -> fun cb -> cb.ValidateEasy network | CorrectWork -> fun cb -> cb.Validate network let rec mine nonce = block.Header.Nonce <- nonce let headerBlock = ChainedBlock(block.Header, block.Header.GetHash(), chain.GetBlock(block.Header.HashPrevBlock)) if validation headerBlock then () else mine (nonce+1u) mine 0u /// Attach a block to chain let ``attach to chain`` (checkType:BlockChainCheck) (chain:ConcurrentChain) (block:Block) = let header = block.Header header.HashPrevBlock <- chain.Tip.HashBlock header.Bits <- //header.GetWorkRequired(network, chain.Tip) chain.Tip.GetWorkRequired(network) header.BlockTime <- DateTimeOffset.UtcNow header.Nonce <- RandomUtils.GetUInt32() //header.UpdateTime(network, chain.Tip) block.UpdateMerkleRoot() ``mine to correct`` checkType chain block chain.SetTip header |> ignore chain.GetBlock(header.GetHash()) /// Attach a bunch of transactions to a new block let ``to new block`` txs = let block = Block() txs |> Seq.iter (block.AddTransaction >> ignore) block.UpdateMerkleRoot() block // --------- TRANSACTIONS --------- // /// No fees on our custom block-chain /// Consifer adding some fee when you want users to do the mining. let noFees = Unchecked.defaultof<FeeRate> let txBuilder() = let b = TransactionBuilder() b.StandardTransactionPolicy.MinRelayTxFee <- FeeRate.Zero b /// Coinbase transaction is a transaction to generate money to our system. let ``give money`` (toUser:BitcoinSecret) (sum:int) = let money = Money sum let coin = Coin( // Coins for sums, ColoredCoins for assets // This is a coinbase / generation transaction, so prev hash is zero: OutPoint(), TxOut(money, toUser.PubKey.ScriptPubKey) ) let builder = txBuilder() let tx = builder //.IssueAsset(toUser, OpenAsset.AssetMoney(asset.AssetId, quantity)) .AddCoins([| (coin :> ICoin) |]) .AddKeys(toUser) .Send(toUser, money) .SetChange(toUser.GetAddress()) .BuildTransaction(true) if not tx.IsCoinBase then failwith "Was not a coinbase transaction" let ok, errs = builder.Verify(tx, noFees) match ok with | true -> tx | false -> failwith(String.Join(",", errs)) /// Normal transaction to transfer money / asset from user to next user. /// Needs outpoint (coins) from previous transaction to make a block chain. let ``spend money`` (coins:Coin list) (fromUser:BitcoinSecret) (toUser:BitcoinPubKeyAddress) (sum:int) = let money = Money sum let fees = Money.Zero let coinsArr = coins |> List.filter(fun c -> c.TxOut.IsTo fromUser) |> List.map(fun c -> c :> ICoin) |> List.toArray let builder = txBuilder() let tx = builder .AddCoins(coinsArr) .AddKeys(fromUser) .Send(toUser, (money - fees)) .SendFees(fees) .SetChange(fromUser.GetAddress()) .BuildTransaction(true) let ok, errs = builder.Verify(tx, noFees) match ok with | true -> tx | false -> failwith(String.Join(",", errs)) // --------- SOME HELPER FUNCTIONS --------- // /// Create a new user let makeUser() = let user = BitcoinSecret(Key(), network) Console.WriteLine "Store users private key to a cold dry place and never show it to anyone:" network |> user.PrivateKey.GetWif |> Console.WriteLine user /// Get users coins from transaction let ``fetch coins of`` dest (tx:Transaction) = tx.Outputs |> Seq.mapi(fun idx op -> idx,op) |> Seq.filter(fun (_,op) -> op.Value > Money.Zero && op.IsTo(dest)) |> Seq.map(fun (idx,op) -> Coin(OutPoint(tx, idx), op) ) |> Seq.toList let ``save tracker`` filename (tracker:NBitcoin.SPV.Tracker) = let filterBefore = tracker.CreateBloomFilter(0.005) use fileStream = System.IO.File.Create filename tracker.Save fileStream let ``load tracker`` filename = let tracker = filename |> System.IO.File.OpenRead |> NBitcoin.SPV.Tracker.Load if not(tracker.Validate()) then failwith "Not valid tracker" else tracker let ``save chain`` filename (chain:ConcurrentChain) = use fileStream = System.IO.File.Create filename chain.WriteTo (BitcoinStream(fileStream, true)) let ``load chain`` filename = let chain = new ConcurrentChain(network) filename |> System.IO.File.ReadAllBytes |> chain.Load // if not(chain.Validate network) then failwith "Not valid" if not(chain.ValidateEasy network) then failwith "Not valid chain" else chain // --------- TESTING --------- // let testing() = // A block chain, and a tracker let chain = new ConcurrentChain(network) let tracker = NBitcoin.SPV.Tracker() // make some users let thomas = makeUser() let antero = makeUser() let john = makeUser() tracker.Add thomas tracker.Add antero tracker.Add john // Make Block 1 with transactions and add it to chain let coinbase1 = ``give money`` thomas 1000 let coins1 = coinbase1 |> ``fetch coins of`` thomas let transfer1 = ``spend money`` coins1 thomas (antero.GetAddress()) 500 let coins2 = transfer1 |> ``fetch coins of`` thomas let transfer2 = ``spend money`` coins2 thomas (john.GetAddress()) 300 let block1 = [coinbase1; transfer1; transfer2] |> ``to new block`` let chained1 = block1 |> ``attach to chain`` BlockChainCheck.EasyWork chain block1.Transactions |> Seq.iter (fun tx -> tracker.NotifyTransaction(tx, chained1, block1) |> ignore) // Check that chain and the tracker are valid: let ``chain ok`` = chain.ValidateEasy network let ``tracker ok`` = tracker.Validate() let transactions1 = tracker.GetWalletTransactions chain //transactions1.GetSpendableCoins() //transactions1.Summary.Confirmed // Thomas: 200, Antero: 500, John: 300 // Make Block 2 with transactions and add it to chain let coinbase2 = ``give money`` thomas 100 let coins3 = transfer1 |> ``fetch coins of`` antero let transfer3 = ``spend money`` coins3 antero (john.GetAddress()) 500 let coins4 = (transfer2 |> ``fetch coins of`` thomas) @ (coinbase2 |> ``fetch coins of`` thomas) let transfer4 = ``spend money`` coins4 thomas (john.GetAddress()) 250 //let coins5 = transfer4 |> ``fetch coins of`` thomas let block2 = [coinbase2; transfer3; transfer4] |> ``to new block`` let chained2 = block2 |> ``attach to chain`` BlockChainCheck.EasyWork chain block2.Transactions |> Seq.iter (fun tx -> tracker.NotifyTransaction(tx, chained2, block2) |> ignore) // Check the validity of the chain and the tracker let ``chain still ok`` = chain.ValidateEasy network let ``tracker still ok`` = tracker.Validate() let transactions2 = tracker.GetWalletTransactions chain let ``available coins`` = transactions2.GetSpendableCoins() |> Seq.toList // transactions2.Count // transactions2 |> Seq.map(fun b -> b.Balance, b.Transaction.GetHash()) // |> Seq.toArray // ``available coins`` |> List.map(fun v -> v.Amount) |> List.sum // ``available coins`` // transactions2.Summary.Confirmed // Thomas: 50, John: 250+500+300 ``save tracker`` @"c:\tracker.dat" tracker ``save chain`` @"c:\chain.dat" chain // let tracker2 = ``load tracker`` @"c:\tracker.dat" // let chain2 = ``load chain`` @"c:\chain.dat" // Some resources: // Article: https://www.codeproject.com/articles/835098/nbitcoin-build-them-all // A video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_160oMzblY8
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