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elements of 3 value tuple

Analog to the fst and snd functions of the f# lib some functions for tuples with 3 values which i use quite regularly during prototyping phases.

let fst3(a, _, _) = a
let snd3(_, a, _) = a
let thrd(_, _, a) = a
val fst3 : a:'a * 'b * 'c -> 'a

Full name: Script.fst3
val a : 'a
val snd3 : 'a * a:'b * 'c -> 'b

Full name: Script.snd3
val a : 'b
val thrd : 'a * 'b * a:'c -> 'c

Full name: Script.thrd
val a : 'c
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Posted:14 years ago
Author:daniel szymanski
Tags: tuple