module SMTP open System.Net.Sockets open System.Net open System.IO type private Agent<'T> = MailboxProcessor<'T> type EMail = { Body:string list; Subject:string; From:string; To:string; } let private emptyEmail = { Body=[];Subject="";From="";To=""; } type private CheckInbox = | Get of AsyncReplyChannel | Add of EMail let private (|From|To|Subject|Body|) (input:string) = let regexes = ["From: ";"To: ";"Subject: "] let matches = regexes |> r -> (input.StartsWith(r),r)) let trimStart (start:string) = input.TrimStart(start.ToCharArray()) match matches with | [(true,r);_;_] -> From (trimStart r) | [_;(true,r);_] -> To (trimStart r) | [_;_;(true,r)] -> Subject (trimStart r) | _ -> Body input let private receiveEmail() = async { let endPoint = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Any, 25) let listener = new TcpListener(endPoint) listener.Start() use! client = listener.AcceptTcpClientAsync() |> Async.AwaitTask let stream = client.GetStream() use sr = new StreamReader(stream) use wr = new StreamWriter(stream) wr.NewLine <- "\r\n" wr.AutoFlush <- true wr.WriteLine("220 localhost -- Fake proxy server") let rec readlines email = let line = sr.ReadLine() match line with | "DATA" -> wr.WriteLine("354 Start input, end data with .") let rec readdata email = let line = sr.ReadLine() if line = null || line = "." then email else let email = match line with | From l -> {email with From=l} | To l -> {email with To=l} | Subject l -> {email with Subject=l} | Body l when l <> "" -> {email with Body=l::email.Body} | _ -> email readdata email let newlines = readdata email wr.WriteLine("250 OK") readlines newlines | "QUIT" -> wr.WriteLine("250 OK") email | _ -> wr.WriteLine("250 OK") readlines email let newMessage = readlines emptyEmail client.Close() listener.Stop() return newMessage } let private smtpAgent (cachingAgent: Agent) = Agent.Start(fun _ -> let rec loop() = async { let! newMessage = receiveEmail() cachingAgent.Post (Add newMessage) return! loop() } loop()) let private cachingAgent() = Agent.Start(fun inbox -> let rec loop messages = async { let! newMessage = inbox.Receive() match newMessage with | Get channel -> channel.Reply(messages) return! loop messages | Add message -> return! loop (message::messages) } loop []) type SmtpServer() = let cache = cachingAgent() let server = smtpAgent cache member this.GetEmails() = cache.PostAndReply Get