// http://www.cs.princeton.edu/courses/archive/spr09/cos333/beautiful.html // http://scala-lms.github.io/tutorials/regex.html #r "../packages/FSharp.Compiler.Service." #r "../packages/QuotationCompiler.0.0.7-alpha/lib/net45/QuotationCompiler.dll" open QuotationCompiler open Microsoft.FSharp.Quotations // <@ fun x -> (% <@ x @> ) @> ~ lambda (fun x -> x) let lambda (f : Expr<'T> -> Expr<'R>) : Expr<'T -> 'R> = let var = new Var("__temp__", typeof<'T>) Expr.Cast<_>(Expr.Lambda(var, f (Expr.Cast<_>(Expr.Var var)))) // <@ fun x y -> (% <@ x @> ... <@ y @> ) @> ~ lambda (fun x y -> x ... y ) let lambda2 (f : Expr<'T> -> Expr<'S> -> Expr<'R>) : Expr<'T -> 'S -> 'R> = let var = new Var("__temp__", typeof<'T>) let var' = new Var("__temp'__", typeof<'S>) Expr.Cast<_>(Expr.Lambda(var, Expr.Lambda(var', f (Expr.Cast<_>(Expr.Var var)) (Expr.Cast<_>(Expr.Var var'))))) let rec matchsearch (regexp : string) (text : Expr) : Expr = if regexp.[0] = '^' then matchhere regexp 1 text <@ 0 @> else <@ let text = %text let mutable start = -1 let mutable found = false while not found && start < text.Length do start <- start + 1 found <- (% lambda2(fun text start -> matchhere regexp 0 text start) ) text start found @> and matchhere (regexp : string) (restart : int) (text : Expr) (start : Expr) : Expr = if restart = regexp.Length then <@ true @> else if regexp.[restart] = '$' && restart + 1 = regexp.Length then <@ %start = String.length %text @> else if restart + 1 < regexp.Length && regexp.[restart + 1] = '*' then matchstar regexp.[restart] regexp (restart + 2) text start else <@ if %start < (%text).Length && (% matchchar regexp.[restart] <@ (%text).[%start] @> ) then (% matchhere regexp (restart + 1) text <@ %start + 1 @> ) else false @> and matchstar (c : char) (regexp : string) (restart : int) (text : Expr) (start: Expr) : Expr = <@ let text = %text let mutable sstart = %start let mutable found = (% lambda2(fun text sstart -> matchhere regexp restart text sstart) ) text sstart let mutable failed = false while not failed && not found && sstart < text.Length do failed <- not ((% lambda2(fun (text : Expr) (sstart : Expr) -> matchchar c <@ (%text).[%sstart] @>) ) text sstart) sstart <- sstart + 1 found <- (% lambda2(fun text sstart -> matchhere regexp restart text sstart) ) text sstart not failed && found @> and matchchar (c: char) (t : Expr) : Expr = if c = '.' then <@ true @> else <@ c = %t @> let compileRegEx (pattern : string) : string -> bool = let f = QuotationCompiler.ToFunc(lambda (fun text -> matchsearch pattern text)) f () let testmatch (f : string -> bool) (text : string) (expected : bool) = if f text <> expected then failwith "oups" // Examples let ``^hello$`` = compileRegEx "^hello$" let ``hell`` = compileRegEx "hell" let ``hel*`` = compileRegEx "hel*" let ``hel*$`` = compileRegEx "hel*$" let ``ab`` = compileRegEx "ab" let ``^ab`` = compileRegEx "^ab" let ``a*b`` = compileRegEx "a*b" let ``^ab*`` = compileRegEx "^ab*" let ``^ab*$`` = compileRegEx "^ab*$" testmatch ``^hello$`` "hello" true testmatch ``^hello$`` "hell" false testmatch ``hell`` "hello" true testmatch ``hell`` "hell" true testmatch ``hel*`` "he" true testmatch ``hel*$`` "hello" false testmatch ``hel*`` "yo hello" true testmatch ``ab`` "hello ab hello" true testmatch ``^ab`` "hello ab hello" false testmatch ``a*b`` "hello aab hello" true testmatch ``^ab*`` "abcd" true testmatch ``^ab*`` "a" true testmatch ``^ab*`` "ac" true testmatch ``^ab*`` "bac" false testmatch ``^ab*$`` "ac" false