open System let roundCount = 4 let biggestTable = 12 let random = new System.Random() let getRandomNumber() = random.Next(biggestTable) + 1 let wait seconds = let delay = TimeSpan.FromSeconds (float seconds) System.Threading.Tasks.Task.Delay(delay).Wait() let displayResult correct = let originalForgroundColor = Console.ForegroundColor Console.ForegroundColor <- if correct then ConsoleColor.Green else ConsoleColor.Red printfn "%s" (if correct then "Well Done!" else "sorry :(") Console.ForegroundColor <- originalForgroundColor let playRound() = let a = getRandomNumber() let b = getRandomNumber() printf "%d x %d = " a b let answer = int (Console.ReadLine()) let correct = (a * b) = answer displayResult correct printfn "" if correct then 1 else 0 let playGame roundCount = let score = [1..roundCount] |> _ -> playRound()) |> Seq.sum printfn "you scored %d out of %d (%d%%)" score roundCount (int (100. * (float score / float roundCount))) let timeGame game = let start = DateTime.UtcNow game() let finish = DateTime.UtcNow printfn "you took %d seconds to play that game." (int ((finish - start).TotalSeconds)) printfn "Welcome Brain Freezer" while true do ["Ready..."; "Steady..."; "GO!"] |> Seq.iter(fun message -> wait 1 printfn "%s" message) timeGame (fun unit -> playGame roundCount) printfn "" let breather = 5 printfn "The next game starts in %d seconds" breather wait breather