/// Bird type type Bird = { X:float; Y:float; VY:float; IsAlive:bool } /// Respond to flap command let flap (bird:Bird) = { bird with VY = - System.Math.PI } /// Applies gravity to bird let gravity (bird:Bird) = { bird with VY = bird.VY + 0.1 } /// Applies physics to bird let physics (bird:Bird) = { bird with Y = bird.Y + bird.VY } /// Updates bird with gravity & physics let update = gravity >> physics /// Generates the level's tube positions let generateLevel n = let rand = System.Random() [for i in 1..n -> 50+(i*150), 32+rand.Next(160)] open System.IO open Microsoft.Xna.Framework open Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics open Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Input let loadImage (device:GraphicsDevice) file = let path = Path.Combine(__SOURCE_DIRECTORY__, file) use stream = File.OpenRead(path) let texture = Texture2D.FromStream(device, stream) let textureData = Array.create (texture.Width * texture.Height) Color.Transparent texture.GetData(textureData) texture type FlappyBird() as this = inherit Game() do this.Window.Title <- "Flap me" let graphics = new GraphicsDeviceManager(this) do graphics.PreferredBackBufferWidth <- 288 do graphics.PreferredBackBufferHeight <- 440 let mutable spriteBatch : SpriteBatch = null let mutable bg : Texture2D = null let mutable ground : Texture2D = null let mutable tube1 : Texture2D = null let mutable tube2 : Texture2D = null let mutable bird_sing : Texture2D = null let mutable lastKeyState = KeyboardState() let mutable lastMouseState = MouseState() let level = generateLevel 10 let mutable flappy = { X = 30.0; Y = 150.0; VY = 0.0; IsAlive=true } let flapMe () = if flappy.IsAlive then flappy <- flap flappy let mutable scroll = 0 override this.LoadContent() = spriteBatch <- new SpriteBatch(this.GraphicsDevice) let load = loadImage this.GraphicsDevice bg <- load "bg.png" ground <- load "ground.png" tube1 <- load "tube1.png" tube2 <- load "tube2.png" bird_sing <- load "bird_sing.png" override this.Update(gameTime) = scroll <- scroll - 1 let currentKeyState = Keyboard.GetState() let currentMouseState = Mouse.GetState() let isKeyPressedSinceLastFrame key = currentKeyState.IsKeyDown(key) && lastKeyState.IsKeyUp(key) let isMouseClicked () = currentMouseState.LeftButton = ButtonState.Pressed && lastMouseState.LeftButton = ButtonState.Released if isKeyPressedSinceLastFrame Keys.Space || isMouseClicked () then flapMe () flappy <- update flappy lastKeyState <- currentKeyState lastMouseState <- currentMouseState override this.Draw(gameTime) = this.GraphicsDevice.Clear Color.White spriteBatch.Begin(SpriteSortMode.Deferred, BlendState.NonPremultiplied) let draw (texture:Texture2D) (x,y) = spriteBatch.Draw(texture, Rectangle(x,y,texture.Width,texture.Height), Color.White) draw bg (0,0) draw bird_sing (int flappy.X,int flappy.Y) for (x,y) in level do let x = x+scroll draw tube1 (x,-320+y) draw tube2 (x,y+100) draw ground (0,360) spriteBatch.End() do use game = new FlappyBird() game.Run()