type Html =
| Elem of string * Html list
| Attr of string * string
| Text of string
static member toString elem =
let rec toString indent elem =
let spaces = String.replicate indent " "
match elem with
| Attr(name,value) -> name+"=\""+value+"\""
| Elem(tag, [Text s]) ->
| Elem(tag, content) ->
let isAttr = function Attr _ -> true | _ -> false
let attrs, elems = content |> List.partition isAttr
let attrs =
if attrs = [] then ""
else " " + String.concat " " [for attr in attrs -> toString 0 attr]
String.concat "" [for e in elems -> toString (indent+1) e] +
| Text(text) ->
spaces + text + "\r\n"
toString 0 elem
override this.ToString() = Html.toString this
let elem tag content = Elem(tag,content)
let html = elem "html"
let head = elem "head"
let title = elem "title"
let style = elem "style"
let body = elem "body"
let table = elem "table"
let thead = elem "thead"
let tbody = elem "tbody"
let tfoot = elem "tfoot"
let tr = elem "tr"
let td = elem "td"
let th = elem "th"
let strong = elem "strong"
let (~%) s = [Text(s.ToString())]
let (%=) name value = Attr(name,value)
// [snippet:Multi-currency domain]
type Money = private { Amount:decimal; Currency:Currency }
static member ( * ) (lhs:Money,rhs:decimal) =
{ lhs with Amount=lhs.Amount * rhs }
static member ( + ) (lhs:Money,rhs:Money) =
if lhs.Currency <> rhs.Currency then invalidOp "Currency mismatch"
{ lhs with Amount=lhs.Amount + rhs.Amount}
override money.ToString() = sprintf "%M%s" money.Amount money.Currency
and Currency = string
type RateTable = { To:Currency; From:Map }
let exchangeRate (rates:RateTable) cy =
if rates.To = cy then 1.0M else rates.From.[cy]
let convertCurrency (rates:RateTable) money =
let rate = exchangeRate rates money.Currency
{ Amount=money.Amount / rate; Currency=rates.To }
// [/snippet]
// [snippet:Multi-currency report model]
type Report = { Rows:Row list; Total:Money }
and Row = { Position:Position; Total:Money }
and Position = { Instrument:string; Shares:int; Price:Money }
let generateReport rates positions =
let rows =
[for position in positions ->
let total = position.Price * decimal position.Shares
{ Position=position; Total=total } ]
let total =
|> Seq.map (fun row -> convertCurrency rates row.Total)
|> Seq.reduce (+)
{ Rows=rows; Total=total }
// [/snippet]
// [snippet:Multi-currency report view]
let toHtml (report:Report) =
html [
head [ title %"Multi-currency report" ]
body [
table [
thead [
tr [th %"Instrument"; th %"Shares"; th %"Price"; th %"Total"]
tbody [
for row in report.Rows ->
let p = row.Position
tr [td %p.Instrument; td %p.Shares; td %p.Price; td %row.Total]
tfoot [
tr [td ("colspan"%="3"::"align"%="right"::[strong %"Total"])
td %report.Total]
// [/snippet]
// [snippet:Example]
let USD amount = { Amount=amount; Currency="USD" }
let CHF amount = { Amount=amount; Currency="CHF" }
let positions =
[{Instrument="IBM"; Shares=1000; Price=USD( 25M)}
{Instrument="Novartis"; Shares= 400; Price=CHF(150M)}]
let inUSD = { To="USD"; From=Map.ofList ["CHF",1.5M] }
let positionsInUSD = generateReport inUSD positions
let report = positionsInUSD |> toHtml |> Html.toString
// [/snippet]
// [snippet:Show report embedded]
#r "System.Windows.Forms.dll"
open System.Windows.Forms
let form = new Form(Text="Multi-currency report")
let web = new WebBrowser(Dock=DockStyle.Fill)
// [/snippet]
// [snippet:Write report & launch in browser]
open System.IO
let name = System.Guid.NewGuid().ToString()
let path = System.IO.Path.GetTempPath() + name + ".html"
let writer = File.CreateText(path)
// [/snippet]