open System type Part = Days of int | Hours of int | Minutes of int | Seconds of int | Milliseconds of int let bigPartString p = match p with | Days 0 -> "" | Days 1 -> "a day" | Days d -> sprintf "%i days" d | Hours 0 -> "" | Hours 1 -> "an hour" | Hours h -> sprintf "%i hours" h | Minutes 0 -> "" | Minutes 1 -> "a minute" | Minutes m -> sprintf "%i minutes" m | _ -> "" let smallPartString s m = match s, m with | Seconds 0, Milliseconds 0 -> "" | Seconds 0, Milliseconds ms -> sprintf "%ims" ms | Seconds 1, Milliseconds 0 -> sprintf "a second" | Seconds s, Milliseconds 0 -> sprintf "%i seconds" s | Seconds s, Milliseconds ms -> sprintf "%i.%i seconds" s ms | _ -> "" let formatTimeSpan (ts:TimeSpan) maxParts = let makePart (p, v) = (p v, v) let bigParts = [ (Days, ts.Days) (Hours, ts.Hours) (Minutes, ts.Minutes) ] |> makePart |> Seq.skipWhile (snd >> ((>) 0)) let flip f a b = f b a bigParts |> fst |> bigPartString |> flip Seq.append [smallPartString (Seconds ts.Seconds) (Milliseconds ts.Milliseconds)] |> Seq.filter (not << String.IsNullOrEmpty) |> Seq.truncate maxParts |> fun parts -> String.Join(", ", parts) let ts1 = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(20000.50354) let ts2 = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(1.5) let ts3 = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10.522525) let ts4 = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(0.0052) for t in [ts1; ts2; ts3; ts4] do printfn "----------" for m in [-1..7] do printfn "%s" (formatTimeSpan t m)