open System open Hopac type Expiring = { Complete : unit -> unit } [] module Expiring = let create name minTime windowTime = let completeCh = Ch.Now.create() let expire = job { let! stage1 = Alt.choose [ Ch.take completeCh |> (fun () -> printfn "%s: early" name; Choice1Of2 ()) Timer.Global.timeOut minTime |> (fun () -> Choice2Of2 ()) ] match stage1 with | Choice1Of2 () -> return () | Choice2Of2 () -> return! Alt.choose [ Ch.take completeCh |> (fun () -> printfn "%s: in time" name) Timer.Global.timeOut windowTime |> (fun () -> printfn "%s: late" name) ] } run <| Job.start expire { Complete = fun () -> run <| Ch.give completeCh () } let e1 = Expiring.create "e1" (TimeSpan.FromSeconds 1.) (TimeSpan.FromSeconds 1.) let e2 = Expiring.create "e2" (TimeSpan.FromSeconds 1.) (TimeSpan.FromSeconds 1.) let e3 = Expiring.create "e3" (TimeSpan.FromSeconds 1.) (TimeSpan.FromSeconds 1.) printfn "Completing e1 early!" e1.Complete () Async.RunSynchronously <| Async.Sleep 1500 printfn "Completing e2 on time!" e2.Complete () printfn "Waiting for e3 to time out..." Console.ReadLine() |> ignore