module Projection type Message = | Update | Rebuild /// Build an actor to coordinate taking events and transforming (projecting) them into a new representation /// Get the next event after the id if specified, if not specified get the first event /// Get the current state of the projection, or None if not yet started /// Store the projection if the event id (if specified) matches the currently stored id /// Apply the event to previous projection to create the new projection let buildProjector (getNextEvent : 'eventId option -> option<'eventId * 'event> Async) (getCurrentState : unit -> option<'eventId * 'projection> Async) (updateState : 'eventId option -> ('eventId * 'projection) -> unit Async) (applyEvent : 'event -> 'projection option -> 'projection Async) = let rec update currentState = async { let currentEventId = (currentState |> fst) let! nextEventOption = getNextEvent currentEventId match nextEventOption with | None -> return currentState | Some(eventId, event) -> let! nextProjection = currentState |> snd |> applyEvent event return! update (Some(eventId, nextProjection)) } (new MailboxProcessor(fun inbox -> let rec processNextMessage() : Async = async { let! message = inbox.Receive() match message with | Update -> let! state = getCurrentState() return! state |> applyUpdate | Rebuild -> let state = None return! state |> applyUpdate } and applyUpdate state = async { let! updated = state |> update match updated with | None -> return! processNextMessage() | Some u -> do! updateState (state |> fst) u return! processNextMessage() } processNextMessage())).Post