module Array = let tryFindLastIndex predicate (array:'T array) = let mutable index = array.Length - 1 while index >= 0 && not(predicate array .[index]) do index <- index - 1 if index >= 0 then Some index else None module ASCII = module Char = let ToLower (c:byte) = if c >= 'A'B && c <= 'Z'B then c - 'A'B + 'a'B else c let ToUpper (c:byte) = if c >= 'a'B && c <= 'z'B then c - 'a'B + 'A'B else c let IsWhiteSpace (c:byte) = c = ' 'B || c = '\t'B || c = '\r'B || c = '\n'B module String = let Empty : byte[] = [||] let IsEmpty (str:byte[]) = str.Length = 0 let IsNullOrWhiteSpace str = str = null || Array.forall Char.IsWhiteSpace str let Compare (strA:byte[],indexA,strB:byte[],indexB,length) = let rec compare n = if n = length then 0 else let d = strA.[indexA+n] - strB.[indexB+n] if d = 0uy then compare (n+1) else int d compare 0 open System.Runtime.CompilerServices type System.Convert with static member ToString(value:byte[]) = System.Text.ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetString(value) [] type AsciiStringExtensions = [] static member ToLower(str) = ASCII.Char.ToLower str [] static member ToUpper(str) = ASCII.Char.ToUpper str [] static member Substring(str:byte[],index) = str.[index..] [] static member Substring(str:byte[],index,length) = str.[index..index+length-1] [] static member Remove(str:byte[],startIndex) = str.[0..startIndex-1] [] static member Remove(str:byte[],startIndex:int,length:int) = let array = System.Array.CreateInstance(typeof, str.Length-length) :?> byte[] System.Array.Copy(str, array, startIndex) System.Array.Copy(str, startIndex+length, array, startIndex, str.Length-startIndex-length) array [] static member IndexOf(str:byte[], value:byte) = System.Array.IndexOf(str, value) [] static member IndexOfAny(str, anyOf:byte[]) = let exists c = Array.exists ((=) c) anyOf match Array.tryFindIndex exists str with | Some index -> index | None -> -1 [] static member LastIndexOf(str, value:byte) = System.Array.LastIndexOf(str, value) [] static member LastIndexOfAny(str, anyOf:byte[]) = let exists c = Array.exists ((=) c) anyOf match Array.tryFindLastIndex exists str with | Some index -> index | None -> -1 [] static member StartsWith(str:byte[],value:byte[]) = value.Length <= str.Length && ASCII.String.Compare(str,0,value,0,value.Length) = 0 [] static member EndsWith(str:byte[],value:byte[]) = value.Length <= str.Length && ASCII.String.Compare(str, str.Length-value.Length, value, 0, value.Length) = 0 [] static member Contains(str:byte[],value:byte[]) = let rec contains index = if index < str.Length - value.Length then compare index else false and compare index = if ASCII.String.Compare(str,index,value,0,value.Length) <> 0 then contains (index+1) else true contains 0 [] static member Trim(str:byte[]) = let mutable i = 0 while i < str.Length && ASCII.Char.IsWhiteSpace str.[i] do i <- i + 1 let mutable j = str.Length - 1 while j > i && ASCII.Char.IsWhiteSpace str.[j] do j <- j - 1 if i=0 && j=str.Length-1 then str else str.[i..j] "Hello"B.StartsWith("Hell"B)