open System open System.IO open System.Text.RegularExpressions // set paths here let dir = @"..\dev\FSharpScripts\fsharp_comunity_code_sprint\" let simple_notes = dir + @"" let complex_notes = dir + @"" let nugetRegex = Regex(@"([0-9]+.)+[0-9]+(-[a-zA-Z]+)?") // e.g: match "4.1.22-beta" let assemblyRegex = Regex(@"([0-9]+.)+[0-9]+") // e.g: match "0.13.2" /// Parse simple release notes sequence let parseSimpleReleaseNotes (text:seq) = let lastLine = text |> Seq.last let assemblyVersion, nugetVersion = assemblyRegex.Match(lastLine), nugetRegex.Match(lastLine) if not assemblyVersion.Success then failwith "Unable to parse valid Assembly version from release notes." let notes = lastLine.Substring(nugetVersion.Index + nugetVersion.Length).Trim([|' '; '-'|]); assemblyVersion.Value, nugetVersion.Value, [notes] /// Parse "complex" release notes text sequence let parseComplexReleaseNotes (text:seq) = let indexOfLastBlock = // index of last block that begings with {#}+ text |> Seq.fold (fun (index, ctr) str -> if String.IsNullOrEmpty(str) then (index, ctr + 1) elif str.Trim().[0] = '#' then (index + ctr, 1) else (index, ctr + 1)) (0, 0) |> fst let lastBlock = text |> Seq.skip indexOfLastBlock let blockHeader = lastBlock |> Seq.head let notes = lastBlock |> Seq.skip 1 |> (fun str -> str.Trim([|' '; '*'|])) |> Seq.toList let assemblyVersion, nugetVersion = assemblyRegex.Match(blockHeader), nugetRegex.Match(blockHeader) if not assemblyVersion.Success then failwith "Unable to parse valid Assembly version from release notes." assemblyVersion.Value, nugetVersion.Value, notes /// Parse a Release Notes File - Either simple or "complex" format /// See: /// The path to the release notes file /// (assembly_version, nuget_version, [release_notes]) let parseReleaseNotes filePath = let text = // read file and trim leading & trailing blank lines let data = File.ReadLines(filePath) let num_real_lines = data |> Seq.fold (fun (line_count, blank_count) str -> if String.IsNullOrEmpty(str.Trim()) then line_count, blank_count + 1 else line_count + 1 + blank_count, 0) (0, 0) |> fst data |> Seq.take num_real_lines // drop trailing empty lines |> Seq.skipWhile (fun str -> String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(str.Trim())) // drop leading empty lines if text |> Seq.isEmpty then failwith "Empty Realease file." let (|Simple|Complex|Invalid|) c = match c with |'*' -> Simple |'#' -> Complex |_ -> Invalid let firstNonEmptyChar = (text |> Seq.head).Trim([|'-'; ' '|]).[0] match firstNonEmptyChar with |Simple -> parseSimpleReleaseNotes text // parse simple release notes type |Complex -> parseComplexReleaseNotes text // parse complex release notes type |Invalid -> failwith "Invalid Release Notes format."