module Toml // based on and open System open FParsec type Token = KeyGroup of string list | KeyValue of string * obj let (<||>) p1 p2 = attempt (p1 |>> box) <|> attempt (p2 |>> box) let spc = many (anyOf [' '; '\t']) let lexeme s = pstring s .>> spc let lexemel s= pstring s .>> spaces let comment = pchar '#' .>>. restOfLine false let blanks = skipMany ((comment <||> spc) .>> newline .>> spc) .>> spc let brace p = between (lexemel "[") (lexemel "]") p let pbool = (lexeme "true" >>% true) <|> (lexeme "false" >>% false) let pstr = between (lexeme "\"") (lexeme "\"") (manySatisfy ((<>)'"')) let pdate' s = try preturn (DateTime.Parse (s, null, Globalization.DateTimeStyles.RoundtripKind)) with _ -> fail "" let pdate = between spc spc (anyString 20) >>= pdate' let ary elem = brace (sepBy (elem .>> spaces) (lexemel ",")) let pary = ary pbool <||> ary pdate <||> ary pint32 <||> ary pstr <||> ary pfloat let value = pbool <||> pdate <||> pstr <||> pfloat <||> pint32 <||> pary <||> ary pary let kvKey = many1Chars (noneOf " \t\n=") let keyvalue = (kvKey .>> spc) .>>. (lexeme "=" >>. value) |>> KeyValue let kgKey = (many1Chars (noneOf " \t\n].")) .>> spc let keygroup = blanks >>. brace (sepBy kgKey (lexeme ".")) |>> KeyGroup let document = blanks >>. many (keygroup <|> keyvalue .>> blanks) let parse text = let toml = Collections.Generic.Dictionary() let currentKg = ref [] match run document text with | Success(tokens,_,_) -> for token in tokens do match token with | KeyGroup kg -> currentKg := kg | KeyValue (key,value) -> let key = String.concat "." [ yield! !currentKg; yield key] toml.Add(key, value) | __ -> () toml let example = (*[omit:toml example]*) """ [group1] key = true key2 = 1337 title = "TOML Example" [ owner] name = "Tom Preston-Werner" organization = "GitHub" bio = "GitHub Cofounder & CEO\nLikes tater tots and beer." dob = 1979-05-27T07:32:00Z # First class dates? Why not? [database ] server= "" ports = [ 8001,8001 , 8002] connection_max =5000 enabled=true [servers] # You can indent as you please. Tabs or spaces. TOML don't care. [ servers .alpha] ip = "" dc = "eqdc10" [servers. beta ] ip = "" dc = "eqdc10" [clients] data = [ ["gamma","delta"], [1, 2] ] # just an update to make sure parsers support it # Line breaks are OK when inside arrays hosts = [ "alpha", "omega" ] """ (*[/omit]*) for tomlValue in parse example do printfn "%A" tomlValue Console.ReadLine() |> ignore