#if INTERACTIVE #r "PresentationCore.dll" #r "PresentationFramework.dll" #r "System.Xaml.dll" #r "UIAutomationTypes.dll" #r "WindowsBase.dll" #endif open System open System.Collections.Generic open System.Windows open System.Windows.Controls open System.Windows.Data open System.Windows.Input open System.Windows.Media open System.Windows.Shapes open System.Windows.Threading [] module Resources = let rand = System.Random() let toPoints (xys) = let coll = PointCollection() xys |> Seq.iter (fun (x,y) -> coll.Add(Point(x,y))) coll let toGradientStops stops = let collection = GradientStopCollection() stops |> List.map (fun (color,offset) -> GradientStop(Color=color,Offset=offset)) |> List.iter collection.Add collection type Missile (x,y,isBomb) = let canvas = Canvas () let downBrush = LinearGradientBrush([Colors.Black,0.0;Colors.White,1.0] |> toGradientStops, 90.0) let upBrush = LinearGradientBrush([Colors.White,0.0;Colors.Black,1.0] |> toGradientStops, 90.0) let brush = if isBomb then downBrush else upBrush let line = Line(X1=x, Y1=y, X2=x, Y2=y, Stroke=brush) let endPoint = TranslateTransform() let missileBrush = SolidColorBrush(Colors.Red) :> Brush let circle = Ellipse(Width=3.0,Height=3.0,Fill=missileBrush,RenderTransform=endPoint) do canvas.Children.Add line |> ignore canvas.Children.Add circle |> ignore member this.IsBomb = isBomb member this.Control = canvas member this.Update(x,y) = line.X2 <- x line.Y2 <- y endPoint.X <- x - 1.5 endPoint.Y <- y - 1.5 static member Path (x1,y1,x2,y2,velocity) = seq { let x, y = ref x1, ref y1 let dx,dy = x2 - x1, y2 - y1 let angle = atan2 dx dy let length = sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy) let steps = length/velocity for i = 1 to int steps do y := !y + cos(angle)*velocity x := !x + sin(angle)*velocity yield !x , !y } type Explosion (x,y) = let bombBrush = RadialGradientBrush(Colors.Yellow,Colors.White) :> Brush let explosion = Ellipse(Opacity=0.5, Fill=bombBrush) member this.Control = explosion member this.Update r = explosion.RenderTransform <- TranslateTransform(X = x - r, Y = y - r) explosion.Width <- r * 2.0 explosion.Height <- r * 2.0 static member Path radius = seq { for i in [50..2..100] do yield radius * ((float i / 100.0) ** 3.0) for i in [100..-1..0] do yield radius * ((float i / 100.0) ** 3.0) } type City (x,y,width,height) = let canvas = Canvas () let fill ws hs brush = let mutable i = 0 do while i < width do let w = Seq.nth (Seq.length ws |> rand.Next) ws let h = Seq.nth (Seq.length hs |> rand.Next) hs Rectangle(Width=float w,Height=float h, Fill=brush, RenderTransform=TranslateTransform(X=x+float i,Y=y+float (height-h))) |> canvas.Children.Add |> ignore i <- i + w do SolidColorBrush Colors.Blue |> fill [2..4] [height/2..height] do SolidColorBrush Colors.Cyan |> fill [1..3] [height/4..height*2/3] member this.Control = canvas member this.IsHit (x',y') = x' >= x && x' < x + float width && y' >= y && y' < y + float height type GameControl () as this = inherit UserControl () let mutable disposables = [] let remember disposable = disposables <- disposable :: disposables let dispose (d:IDisposable) = d.Dispose() let forget () = disposables |> List.iter dispose; disposables <- [] let width, height = 500.0, 500.0 do this.Width <- width; this.Height <- height let skyBrush = let darkBlue = Color.FromArgb(255uy,0uy,0uy,40uy) let stops = [Colors.Black,0.0; darkBlue,1.0] |> toGradientStops LinearGradientBrush(stops, 90.0) let canvas = Canvas(Background=skyBrush, Cursor=Cursors.Cross) let add (x:#UIElement) = canvas.Children.Add x |> ignore let remove (x:#UIElement) = canvas.Children.Remove x |> ignore let sandBrush = SolidColorBrush(Colors.Yellow) let planet = Rectangle(Width=width, Height=20.0, Fill=sandBrush) do planet.RenderTransform <- TranslateTransform(X=0.0,Y=height-20.0) do add planet let platform = System.Windows.Shapes.Polygon(Fill=sandBrush) do platform.Points <- let center = width/2.0 [center,height-40.0;center-40.0,height;center+40.0,height] |> toPoints do add platform let mutable score = 0 let mutable cities = [] let mutable missiles = [] let mutable explosions = [] let mutable wave = 5 let scoreControl = TextBlock(Foreground=SolidColorBrush Colors.White) do scoreControl.Text <- sprintf "SCORE %d" score do add scoreControl do cities <- [1..4] |> List.map (fun i -> City((width*(float i)/5.0)-25.0,height-33.3,40,15)) cities |> List.iter (fun city -> add city.Control) let fireMissile (x1,y1,x2,y2,velocity,isBomb) = let missile = Missile(x1,y1,isBomb) let path = Missile.Path(x1,y1,x2,y2,velocity) missiles <- ((x2,y2),missile,path.GetEnumerator()) :: missiles add missile.Control let startExplosion (x,y) = let explosion = Explosion(x,y) let path = Explosion.Path 50.0 explosions <- ((x,y),explosion,path.GetEnumerator()) :: explosions explosion.Control |> add let dropBombs count = for i = 1 to count do let x1, x2 = rand.NextDouble()*width, rand.NextDouble()*width fireMissile(x1,0.0,x2,height-20.0,1.0,true) let update () = let current, expired = explosions |> List.partition (fun (_,_,path) -> path.MoveNext()) explosions <- current expired |> List.iter (fun (_,explosion:Explosion,_) -> remove explosion.Control) current |> List.iter (fun (_,explosion,path) -> path.Current |> explosion.Update) let current, expired = missiles |> List.partition (fun (_,_,path) -> path.MoveNext()) expired |> List.iter (fun (target,missile:Missile,path) -> remove missile.Control startExplosion target ) current |> List.iter (fun (_,missile:Missile,path) -> path.Current |> missile.Update) let hit,notHit,casualties = current |> List.fold (fun (hit,notHit,casualties) missile -> let _,_, path = missile let x,y = path.Current let isHit = explosions |> List.exists (fun ((x',y'),_,path) -> let r = path.Current (x - x') ** 2.0 + (y - y') ** 2.0 < (r**2.0) ) let casualty = cities |> List.tryFind (fun city -> city.IsHit(x,y)) let casualties = match casualty with | Some city -> city::casualties | None -> casualties match isHit || Option.isSome casualty with | true -> (missile::hit,notHit,casualties) | false -> (hit,missile::notHit,casualties) ) ([],[],[]) hit |> List.iter (fun (_,missile,path) -> let x,y = path.Current startExplosion(x,y) remove missile.Control ) missiles <- notHit score <- score + 10 * (hit |> List.filter (fun (_,missile,_) -> missile.IsBomb) |> List.length) casualties |> List.iter (fun city -> remove city.Control) cities <- cities |> List.filter (fun city -> casualties |> List.exists ((=) city) |> not) scoreControl.Text <- sprintf "SCORE %d" score if missiles.Length = 0 then wave <- wave + 1 dropBombs wave cities.Length > 0 let message s = let t = TextBlock(Text=s) t.HorizontalAlignment <- HorizontalAlignment.Center t.VerticalAlignment <- VerticalAlignment.Center t.Foreground <- SolidColorBrush Colors.White t let layout = Grid() let startGame () = dropBombs wave canvas.MouseLeftButtonDown |> Observable.subscribe (fun me -> let point = me.GetPosition(canvas) fireMissile(width/2.0,height-40.0,point.X,point.Y,2.0,false) ) |> remember let timer = DispatcherTimer() timer.Interval <- TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(20.0) timer.Tick |> Observable.subscribe (fun _ -> let undecided = update () if not undecided then message "The End" |> layout.Children.Add |> ignore forget() ) |> remember timer.Start() {new IDisposable with member this.Dispose() = timer.Stop()} |> remember do layout.Children.Add canvas |> ignore this.Content <- layout do let t = message "Click to Start" layout.Children.Add t |> ignore this.MouseLeftButtonUp |> Observable.subscribe (fun _ -> forget (); layout.Children.Remove t |> ignore startGame() ) |> remember interface System.IDisposable with member this.Dispose() = forget() [] do let win = Window(Content=new GameControl(), Width=512., Height=540.) (new Application()).Run(win) |> ignore