module List = // single case ap combinator let (|Map|) (f : 'T -> 'S) ts = f ts // partial case ap combinators let (|Choose|) (f : 'T -> 'S option) ts = List.choose f ts let (|TryMap|_|) (f : 'T -> 'S option) (ts : 'T list) = let rec aux acc ts = match ts with | [] -> List.rev acc |> Some | t :: rest -> match f t with | Some s -> aux (s :: acc) rest | None -> None aux [] ts // a trivial example let (|NonNegative|_|) (x : int) = if x >= 0 then Some x else None let test = function | Some (List.TryMap (|NonNegative|_|) values) -> values | Some (List.Choose (|NonNegative|_|) values) -> printfn "found some non-negative values in inputs" values | _ -> [] test <| Some [-10..10] test <| Some [1..10]