module BinPacking #nowarn "25" [] module Btd = //binary tree with duplicates: key-value, size, left subtree and right subtree type T<'a,'b> = T of ('a*'b)*int*T<'a,'b> option*T<'a,'b> option type private Direction = Left | Right type private Removed<'a,'b> = Removed of T<'a,'b> option | NotRemoved let empty = None let size t = match t with None -> 0 | Some (T(_,s,_,_)) -> s let private (~~) = size let toSeq t = [Right,t] |> Seq.unfold (fun path -> match path with | [_,None] -> None // empty tree so end | (Right,Some(T(kv,_,_,None) as t))::rest -> Some(Some(kv),(Left,Some(t))::rest) //can't go right; yield and try to go left | (Right,Some(T(_,_,_,r)))::rest ->Some(None,(Right,r)::path) //go right as deep as possible | (Left,Some(T(_,_,None,_)))::[] -> None //can't go left and no parent so end | (Left,Some(T(_,_,None,_)))::(_,Some(T(kv,_,_,_) as t) )::rest -> Some(Some(kv),(Left,Some(t))::rest) //can't go left so go left at parent after yielding parent's value | (Left,Some(T(_,_,l,_)))::rest -> Some(None,(Right,l)::rest) //go right on the left child ) |> Seq.choose (fun s -> s) let rec private percolate t path = match path with | [] -> t | (Left,T(kv,s,left,right))::rest -> percolate (Some (T(kv,s - ~~left + ~~t, t, right))) rest | (Right,T(kv,s,left,right))::rest -> percolate (Some (T(kv,s - ~~right + ~~t, left, t))) rest let rec private insert (Some (T((ck,_),_,_,_)) as child) t path = match t with | None -> percolate child path | Some (T((pk,_),_,l,r) as t2) -> if ck < pk then insert child l ((Left,t2)::path) else insert child r ((Right,t2)::path) let add e t = insert (Some(T(e,1,None,None))) t [] let merge l r = match l,r with | None, t -> t | t, None -> t | Some(T(_,ls,_,_)),Some(T(_,rs,_,_)) -> if ls < rs then insert r l [] else insert l r [] let remove kv t = let rec remove ((k,v) as kv) t path = match t with | None -> NotRemoved | Some (T((k',v') as kv',_,l,r) as t') -> if kv = kv' then Removed(percolate (merge l r) path) elif k < k' then remove kv l ((Left,t')::path) else remove kv r ((Right,t')::path) match remove kv t [] with | NotRemoved -> t //failwithf "KV=%A , T=%A" kv (t|>toSeq|>Seq.toArray) | Removed t -> t let findBestFit c t = let rec findBestFit c t currentBest = match t with | None -> currentBest | Some (T((k,v),_,l,r)) -> if c = k then Some(k,v) elif c < k then findBestFit c l (Some(k,v)) else findBestFit c r currentBest findBestFit c t None let rec findWorstFit c t = match t with | None -> None | Some (T((k,v),_,_,None)) -> if k >= c then Some(k,v) else None | Some (T(_,_,_,r)) -> findWorstFit c r type Bin<'a> = {Size:int; Id:string; Data:'a} type Item<'a> = {Size:int; Data:'a} let rec private fillItems (map:Map,Item<_>list>, t, remaining) fitFunc = match remaining with | [] -> map, t, [] | x::rest -> match t |> fitFunc x.Size with | None -> map,t,remaining | Some ((capacity,bin) as kv) -> let remainingCapacity = capacity - x.Size let t' = t |> Btd.remove kv |> Btd.add (remainingCapacity,bin) let map' = match map |> Map.tryFind bin with | None -> map |> Map.add bin [x] | Some l -> map |> Map.add bin (x::l) fillItems (map', t', rest) fitFunc ///Best fit bin packing uses the tightest possible fit ///It fills one bin and then adds another if needed let packBestFit (availableBins:Bin<_> list) (items:Item<_> list) = let scheduled,capacities,unscheduled = ((Map.empty,Btd.empty,items), availableBins) ||> List.fold (fun (map,t,remaining) bin -> match remaining with | [] -> map,t,[] //no more items remaining | xs -> fillItems (map,t |> Btd.add (bin.Size,bin),xs) Btd.findBestFit //add a bin to tree and fill items ) scheduled |> (fun k v -> v |> List.rev), capacities, unscheduled ///Worst fit bin packing uses the loosest possible fit ///It spreads the load across all the bins evenly let packWorstFit (bins:Bin<_> list) (items:Item<_> list) = let binTree = (Btd.empty, bins) ||> List.fold (fun t b -> t |> Btd.add (b.Size,b)) let scheduled,capacities,unscheduled = ((Map.empty,binTree,[]),items) ||> List.fold (fun (map,t,acc) item -> match t |> Btd.findWorstFit item.Size with | Some (capacity, bin) -> let remainingCapacity = capacity - item.Size let t' = t |> Btd.remove (capacity, bin) let t'' = t' |> Btd.add (remainingCapacity,bin) match map |> Map.tryFind bin with | Some xs -> map |> Map.add bin (item::xs), t'', acc | None -> map |> Map.add bin [item], t'', acc | None -> map, t, item::acc ) scheduled |> (fun k v -> v |> List.rev), capacities, unscheduled (* usage: let bins = [{Size=150; Id="a"; Data="a"}; {Size=235; Id="b"; Data="b"}; {Size=215;Id="c"; Data="c"}] let rng = System.Random() let items = [for i in 1..40 -> {Size = rng.Next(1,30); Data=i.ToString()}] //sort items in descending order of size for best-fit decreasing order let sortedItems = items |> List.sortBy (fun i -> -i.Size) let schBest,_,leftOverItemsA = packBestFit bins sortedItems let schWorst,_,leftOverItemsB = packWorstFit bins sortedItems *)