module FSharp.Control open System open System.Threading type ComputationResult<'a> = | Success of 'a | Failure of exn [] module ComputationResult = let fromChoice choice = match choice with | Choice1Of2 value -> Success value | Choice2Of2 exn -> Failure exn let map f = function | Success value -> Success (f value) | Failure exn -> Failure exn let combine onSuccess onFailure = function | Success result -> onSuccess result | Failure exn -> onFailure exn type AsyncState<'a> = | NotStarted of Async> | Started | Completed of ComputationResult<'a> type LazyAsync<'a>(state:AsyncState<'a>) = let state = ref state let completed = Event<_>() let icompleted = completed.Publish member __.DoWhenCompleted startIfNotRunning f = let continuation = lock state <| fun () -> match !state with | Completed value -> Some <| fun () -> f value | Started -> icompleted.Add f None | NotStarted asyncValue -> icompleted.Add f if startIfNotRunning then state := Started Some <| fun () -> async { let! value = asyncValue lock state <| fun () -> state := Completed value completed.Trigger value } |> Async.Start else None match continuation with | Some continuation -> continuation() | _ -> () member x.GetValueAsync(onSuccess:Action<_>, onFailure:Action<_>) = let synchronizationContext = SynchronizationContext.Current let doInOriginalThread f arg = if synchronizationContext <> null then synchronizationContext.Post ((fun _ -> f arg), null) else f arg ComputationResult.combine onSuccess.Invoke onFailure.Invoke |> doInOriginalThread |> x.DoWhenCompleted true [] module LazyAsync = let fromAsync asyncValue = let asyncValue = async { let! value = Async.Catch asyncValue return ComputationResult.fromChoice value } LazyAsync(NotStarted asyncValue) let fromValue value = LazyAsync(Completed (Success value)) let map f (x:LazyAsync<'a>) = let asyncValue = async { let! value = Async.FromContinuations <| fun (cont, _, _) -> cont |> x.DoWhenCompleted true return value |> f } LazyAsync(NotStarted asyncValue) let subscribe onSuccess onFailure (x:LazyAsync<'a>) = ComputationResult.combine onSuccess onFailure |> x.DoWhenCompleted false x