open System open System.IO open System.Text.RegularExpressions open MSDN.FSharp.Charting open System.Windows.Forms (*[omit:(SafeEnumerateFiles hidden for clarity)]*) /// Enumerate files starting at a given path, having a given wildcard. /// (Inaccessible directories are ignored.) let SafeEnumerateFiles (path : string) (wildcard: string) = let safeEnumerate f path = try f(path) with | :? System.UnauthorizedAccessException -> Seq.empty let enumerateDirs = safeEnumerate Directory.EnumerateDirectories let enumerateFiles = safeEnumerate (fun path -> Directory.EnumerateFiles(path, wildcard)) let rec enumerate baseDir = seq { yield! enumerateFiles baseDir for dir in enumerateDirs baseDir do yield! enumerate dir } enumerate path (*[/omit]*) /// Return all the lines in files matching the given wildcard starting at the given path. let FileLines path wildcard = SafeEnumerateFiles path wildcard |> (fun fileName -> File.ReadAllLines(fileName)) |> Seq.concat /// Break down the sequence giving counts of lines matching each regex pattern. let CountByPattern patterns lines = seq { for pattern in patterns do yield lines |> Seq.filter (fun line -> Regex.IsMatch(line, pattern)) |> Seq.length } /// Break down the given lines into counts by pattern, associating each count with a label. let Analyze patternsLabels lines = let patterns, labels = patternsLabels |> fst, patternsLabels |> snd lines |> CountByPattern patterns |> labels // Example: // > AnalyzeCSharp @"D:\MyCode";; // val it : (string * int) [] = // [|("{ or }", 25128); ("Blank", 18261); ("Null checks", 877); // ("Comments", 27103); ("Useful lines", 61343)|] // > /// Analyze C# files starting at the given path, showing various forms of noise. let AnalyzeCSharp path = let lines = FileLines path "*.cs" |> Seq.cache let patternCounts = lines |> Analyze [| "(^([ \t]*)([{}])([ \t]*)$)", "{ or }" "(^[ \t]*$)", "Blank" "(\=[ \t]*null)", "Null checks" "(^[ \t]*//)", "Comments" |] let otherCount = ["Useful lines", (lines |> Seq.length) - (patternCounts |> Seq.sumBy snd)] Seq.append patternCounts otherCount |> Array.ofSeq /// Show an FSharp chart in a Windows form. let Show chart = let form = new Form(Visible=true, TopMost=true, Width=700, Height=700) let ctl = new ChartControl(chart, Dock=DockStyle.Fill) form.Controls.Add(ctl) /// Show an array of strings and ints as a labelled pie chart. let ToPie name (results : array) = FSharpChart.Pie(results, Name = name) |> Show