open Failess let Site style = pasteNewLine <- false let menuStyle = [ // Modules Display.block TextDecoration.none WhiteSpace.nowrap // Strings backgroundColor -- "#465c71" color -- "#dde4ec" // Values lineHeight -- em 1.35 padding -/ px2 4 20 // Custom Border.set (px 1) Border.Solid "#4e667d" ] CSS "..\Styles\Site.css" [ "/* DEFAULTS\n--------------------------------------------*/" body-|[ background -- "#b6b7bc" fontSize -- em 0.80 fontFamily -+ [ "Helvetica Neue"; "Lucida Grande"; "Segoe UI"; "Arial"; "Helvetica"; "Verdana"; "sans-serif"; ] ] a <<[ %visited >< %link @ color -- "#034af3" %hover -| [ TextDecoration.none color -- "#1d60ff" ] ] p -|[ marginBottom -- px 10 lineHeight -- em 1.6 ] "/* HEADINGS\n--------------------------------------------*/" [h1; h2; h3; h4; h5; h6] =| [ FontVariant.smallCaps fontSize -- em 1.5 color -- "#666666" ] h1-|[ fontSize -- em 1.6 paddingBottom -- px 0 marginBottom -- px 0 ] h2-|[ fontSize -- em 1.5 fontWeight -- 600 ] h3 @ fontSize -- em 1.2 h4 @ fontSize -- em 1.1 [h5; h6] @@ fontSize -- em 1.0 "/* this rule styles


tags that are the \n first child of the left and right table %umns */" [ -."rightcolumn" .> h1; -."rightcolumn" .> h2; -."leftcolumn" .> h1; -."leftcolumn" .> h2] @@ marginTop -- px 0 "/* PRIMARY LAYOUT ELEMENTS\n--------------------------------------------*/"|[ width -- match style with | styles.Full -> prc 100 | _ -> px 960 backgroundColor -- "#fff" margin -/ match style with | styles.Full -> px4 0 0 0 0 | _ -> [ px 20; auto; px 0; auto ] Border.set "1px" Border.Solid "#496077" ] -.header << [ +.[ Position.relative margin -- px 0 padding -- px 0 width -- prc 100 background -- "#4b6c9e" ] +h1 -| [ border -- Border.None cursor -- Cursor.Default color -- "#f9f9f9" fontWeight -- 700 margin -- px 0 lineHeight -- em 2.0 fontSize -- em 2.0 padding -/ px4 0 0 0 10 ] ] -.main-|[ padding -/ px2 0 12 margin -/ px4 12 8 8 8 minHeight -- px 420 ] -."left"-|[ padding -/ px2 6 12 margin -/ px4 12 8 8 8 width -- px 200 minHeight -- px 200 ] -.footer-|[ LineHeight.normal color -- "#4e5766" padding -/ px4 8 0 0 0 margin -/ [px 0; auto] ] "/* TAB MENU\n--------------------------------------------*/" div << [ -."hideSkiplink"-|[ backgroundColor -- "#3a4f63" width -- prc 100 ] -."accountInfo" @ width -- prc 42 << [ +.[padding -/ px4 4 0 4 8] +ul << [ +.[ listStyle -- ListStyle.None margin -- px 0 padding -- px 0 width -- auto ] +li ++ a << [ +.menuStyle %visited -| menuStyle %hover-|[ backgroundColor -- "#bfcbd6" color -- "#465c71" textDecoration -- TextDecoration.None ] %active-|[ backgroundColor -- "#465c71" color -- "#cfdbe6" textDecoration -- TextDecoration.None ] ] ] ] ] "/* FORM ELEMENTS\n--------------------------------------------*/" "fieldset" << [ +. [ margin -/ [em 1.0; px 0] padding -- em 1.0 Border.set (px 1) Border.Solid "#ccc" ] +p @ margin -/ px4 2 12 10 10 -."login" -. "inline" @ display -- Display.Inline -."login" ++ label >< -. "register" ++ label >< -. "changePassword" ++ label @ Display.block ] "legend"-|[ fontSize -- em 1.1 fontWeight -- 600 padding -/ px4 2 4 8 4 ] Border.set "1px" Border.Solid "#ccc" |> fun borderForInput -> input << [ -."textEntry "-|[ borderForInput width -- px 320 ] -."passwordEntry"-|[ borderForInput width -- px 320 ] ] "/* MISC\n--------------------------------------------*/" -.clear @ Clear.both -.title -|[ Display.block Float.left ] -."loginDisplay" << [ +. [fontSize -- em 1.1 padding -- px 10 Display.block TextAlign.right Color.white ] +a << [ %link @ Color.white %visited @ Color.white %hover @ Color.white ] ] -."bold" @ FontWeight.bold -."failureNotification" -|[ fontSize -- em 1.2 ] -."submitButton" -|[ TextAlign.right paddingRight -- px 10 ] ]