open System.Collections.Generic type Dictionary<'K,'V> with member d.TryFind(k : 'K) = let v = ref Unchecked.defaultof<_> if d.TryGetValue(k, v) then Some v.Value else None let rec Y F x = F (Y F) x let YParam (F : ('Seed -> 'a -> 'b) -> 'Seed -> 'a -> 'b) = let dict = new Dictionary<'Seed, ('a -> 'b) ref> () let F' (self : 'Seed -> 'a -> 'b) (s : 'Seed) = match dict.TryFind s with | None -> let fp = ref (fun _ -> failwith "Bottom!") dict.Add(s, fp) let f = F self s fp := f f | Some fp -> (fun a -> fp.Value a) Y F' // example : computing the maximum depth of F# DUs open System open System.Reflection open Microsoft.FSharp.Reflection let maxDepth<'T> = let f = YParam (fun self (t : Type) -> printfn "Precomputing depth counter for %A" t if FSharpType.IsUnion t then let reader = FSharpValue.PreComputeUnionTagReader t // recursively precompute children let fieldDepth (f : PropertyInfo) = let depthF = self f.PropertyType in fun o -> f.GetValue(o, [||]) |> depthF let ucis = FSharpType.GetUnionCases(t) |> u -> u.Tag, u.GetFields() |> fieldDepth) |> Map.ofSeq fun (o : obj) -> let depths = ucis.[reader o] |> (fun f -> f o) if Seq.isEmpty depths then 0 else (Seq.max depths) + 1 else fun _ -> 0) typeof<'T> fun (x : 'T) -> f (x :> obj) type Peano = Zero | Succ of Peano let rec int2Peano = function 0 -> Zero | n -> Succ(int2Peano(n-1)) // Peano is recursive, would stack overflow if used regular Y combinator let d = maxDepth d <| Some (int2Peano 41)