open System open Microsoft.FSharp.Reflection let createArgParser<'T> = let primParsers = dict [ typeof, fun x -> Int32.Parse x :> obj typeof, fun x -> x :> obj typeof, fun x -> Boolean.Parse x :> obj ] let preComputeCaseInfo (uci : UnionCaseInfo) = let name = "--" + uci.Name.ToLower().Replace('_', '-') let fieldParsers = uci.GetFields() |> ( fun f -> if primParsers.ContainsKey f.PropertyType then primParsers.[f.PropertyType] else failwith "unsupported field." ) name, (uci, fieldParsers) let idx = FSharpType.GetUnionCases typeof<'T> |> preComputeCaseInfo |> Map.ofSeq let parseArg (pos : int ref, args : string []) = match idx.TryFind (args.[!pos]) with | None -> failwithf "invalid argument %s" args.[!pos] | Some (uci, fieldParsers) -> incr pos let fields = [| for fp in fieldParsers do yield fp args.[!pos] incr pos |] FSharpValue.MakeUnion(uci, fields) :?> 'T let parse (args : string []) = let pos = ref 0 [ while !pos < args.Length do yield parseArg (pos, args) ] parse // sample template type CLArgs = | Host of string | Port of int | Working_Directory of string | Detach let argP = createArgParser let dummy = [| "--port" ; "12" ; "--working-directory" ; "C:/temp" ; "--host" ; "localhost" ; "--port" ; "13" ; "--detach" |] argP dummy