module ChoAndGaines open System // Cho WKT, Gaines BJ (2007) Breaking the (Benford) law: Statistical fraud detection in campaign finance. // Amer Stat 61, 218–223 /// Observed frequency in a 'bin'. let e i s = let n = s |> Seq.length |> float let startsi = s |> Seq.filter (fun x -> let digit = Int32.Parse(x.ToString().[0..0]) digit = i) |> Seq.length |> float startsi / n /// Probability of appearing in a 'bin' according to Benford's law. let b i = Math.Log10(1. + 1./(i |> float)) /// Cho and Gaines distance. let d s = [1..9] |> (fun i -> (b i - (e i s)) ** 2.) |> Seq.sum |> Math.Sqrt /// Cho and Gaines distance times square root of data count. (d*) let d' s = let n2 = s |> Seq.length |> float |> sqrt n2 * d s /// Interpret the d* statistic based on critical values established by Morrow. /// /// From let interpret d' = let limits = [ "α 0.1", 1.212 "α 0.05", 1.330 "α 0.01", 1.569 ] let below, above = limits |> Array.ofSeq |> Array.partition (fun (_, t) -> d' < t) let belowStr, aboveStr = below |> (fun (name, _) -> name) |> Array.fold (fun acc name -> sprintf "%s %s" acc name) "Below: ", above |> (fun (name, _) -> name) |> Array.fold (fun acc name -> sprintf "%s %s" acc name) "Above: " belowStr, aboveStr // Usage examples: // ("Below: ", "Above: α 0.1 α 0.05 α 0.01") let randomTest = let r = new Random() [1..1000] |> (fun _ -> r.Next()) |> d' |> interpret // ("Below: α 0.1 α 0.05 α 0.01", "Above: ") let fileSizeTest = System.IO.Directory.EnumerateFiles(@"c:\windows", "*.*", System.IO.SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly) |> (fun name -> let f = new System.IO.FileInfo(name) f.Length) |> d' |> interpret // ("Below: α 0.01", "Above: α 0.1 α 0.05") let welshLocalAuthorityPopulationsTest = [ 69700 121900 115200 93700 152500 134800 133000 75900 122400 183800 239000 139800 139200 126300 346100 234400 58800 178800 69800 91100 91300 145700 ] |> d' |> interpret