module Seq /// Break a sequence into sub-sequences, where the break occurs at points /// where the specified function returns true when provided with the n'th /// and the n+1'th elements of the input sequence. let BreakOn (f : 'a -> 'a -> bool) (s : seq<'a>) = if s |> Seq.isEmpty then Seq.empty else let len = s |> Seq.length let last = s |> Seq.nth (len-1) let pairs = s |> Seq.pairwise |> (fun (x, y) -> x, Some(y)) let pairs' = Seq.append pairs [last, None] seq { let acc = ref(Seq.empty) for x, y in pairs' do if (y.IsSome && (f x y.Value)) || y.IsNone then yield (Seq.append !acc [x]) acc := Seq.empty else acc := Seq.append !acc [x] } // Examples: let FilesByExt() = System.IO.Directory.EnumerateFiles(@"d:\temp\") |> Seq.sortBy (fun name -> System.IO.Path.GetExtension(name.ToUpper())) |> BreakOn (fun name1 name2 -> System.IO.Path.GetExtension(name1.ToUpper()) <> System.IO.Path.GetExtension(name2.ToUpper())) |> Seq.iter (fun group -> group |> Seq.iter (fun name -> printfn "%s" name); printfn "---------------------------") // d:\temp\expmvc.bak // d:\temp\EXPMVC_ICI.BAK // d:\temp\EXPMVC_ICI_BBC.BAK // --------------------------- // d:\temp\file.csv // --------------------------- // d:\temp\1m.txt.dedupe // d:\temp\29m.txt.dedupe // d:\temp\29mx4.txt.dedupe // --------------------------- // d:\temp\stainedglasslatinsquare.html // d:\temp\window2.html // --------------------------- let Paginate() = [1..200] |> BreakOn (fun page _ -> page % 60 = 0) // > Paginate();; // val it : seq> = // seq // [seq [1; 2; 3; 4; ...]; // seq [61; 62; 63; 64; ...]; // seq [121; 122; 123; 124; ...]; // seq [181; 182; 183; 184; ...]] // See let Conway (seed : string) = seed |> BreakOn (<>) |> (fun grp -> let count, character = grp |> Seq.length, grp |> Seq.nth 0 count.ToString() + character.ToString() ) |> Seq.concat |> Seq.fold (fun acc elem -> sprintf "%s%c" acc elem) "" // > Conway "1211";; // val it : string = "111221" let ConwaySeq (first : string) = Seq.unfold (fun seed -> Some(seed, Conway seed)) first // > ConwaySeq "1" |> Seq.take 5 |> List.ofSeq;; // val it : string list = ["1"; "11"; "21"; "1211"; "111221"]