open System open System.IO open System.Reflection open System.Reflection.Emit open System.Collections.Generic let opcodeMap = let fields = typeof.GetFields(BindingFlags.Public ||| BindingFlags.Static) fields |> (fun x -> let opcode = x.GetValue null :?> OpCode opcode.Value, opcode) |> Map.ofArray let findOpcode opc = Map.tryFind opc opcodeMap type OpCodeReturn = | IL_Nop | IL_Int32 of int | IL_Int16 of int16 | IL_Float of float | IL_Int64 of int64 | IL_Sbyte of sbyte | IL_Byte of byte | IL_Switch of int array | IL_Sig of byte array | IL_String of string | IL_Field of MemberInfo | IL_LocalVar of LocalVariableInfo | IL_Param of ParameterInfo //module binary = let readInt32 (ms : BinaryReader) = ms.ReadInt32() let readInt16AsInt (ms : BinaryReader) = ms.ReadInt16() |> int let readInt64 (ms : BinaryReader) = ms.ReadInt64() let readFloat (ms : BinaryReader) = ms.ReadDouble() let readByteAsInt (ms : BinaryReader) = ms.ReadByte() |> int let readBytes (ms : BinaryReader) n = ms.ReadBytes n let streamPos (ms : BinaryReader) = ms.BaseStream.Position |> int let streamLen (ms : BinaryReader) = ms.BaseStream.Length |> int let getType (f : MethodBase) = f.GetType() let isStatic (f : MethodBase) = f.IsStatic // thank you to the below author, i wouldn't have been able to get this without copying his code // ref: // can be 1byte or 2byte opcode, 2 byte opcodes ALWAYS start with 0xfe. let readOpcode (ms : BinaryReader) = let op = readByteAsInt ms if op <> 254 then int16 op |> findOpcode else BitConverter.ToInt16(Array.append [| 0xfeuy |] (readBytes ms 1), 0) |> findOpcode let getInlineSwitch (ms : BinaryReader) = let length = readInt32 ms let offset = streamPos ms + (4 * length) [| for i in 0 .. length - 1 -> readInt32 ms + offset |] let walkBranches (ms : BinaryReader) = let len = readInt32 ms [| 0 .. len - 1 |] |> (fun x -> readInt32 ms |> fun offset -> streamPos ms + offset) let checkByteSignLd (ms : BinaryReader) opcode = if opcode = OpCodes.Ldc_I4_S then readByteAsInt ms + streamPos ms |> sbyte |> IL_Sbyte else readByteAsInt ms |> byte |> IL_Byte type instructionModel = { func : MethodBase mbytes : byte array modulx : Module locals : LocalVariableInfo array paramx : ParameterInfo array gener1 : Type [] gener2 : Type [] } let createInstructionModel (f : MethodBase) = { func = f mbytes = f.GetMethodBody().GetILAsByteArray() modulx = f.Module locals = f.GetMethodBody().LocalVariables |> Seq.toArray paramx = f.GetParameters() gener1 = if getType f <> typeof then f.GetGenericArguments() else [||] gener2 = if f.DeclaringType <> null then f.DeclaringType.GetGenericArguments() else [||] } let resolveToken IM token = match IM.gener1, IM.gener2 with | ([||],[||]) -> IM.func.Module.ResolveMember token | (a,b) -> IM.func.Module.ResolveMember (token,a,b) let resolveVariable IM (opcode : OpCode) index = let p n = IM.paramx.[index-n] |> IL_Param let l _ = IM.locals.[index ] |> IL_LocalVar if opcode.Name.Contains "loc" then l () else if isStatic IM.func then p 0 else if index <> 0 then p 1 else IL_Nop let test (f : MethodBase) = let IM = createInstructionModel f use ms = BinaryReader (MemoryStream IM.mbytes) let parseOpcode (opcode : OpCode) = match opcode.OperandType with | OperandType.InlineNone -> IL_Nop | OperandType.InlineSwitch -> walkBranches ms |> IL_Switch | OperandType.ShortInlineBrTarget -> readByteAsInt ms + streamPos ms |> IL_Int32 | OperandType.InlineBrTarget -> readInt32 ms + streamPos ms |> IL_Int32 | OperandType.ShortInlineI -> checkByteSignLd ms opcode | OperandType.InlineI -> readInt32 ms |> IL_Int32 | OperandType.ShortInlineR | OperandType.InlineR -> readFloat ms |> IL_Float | OperandType.InlineI8 -> readInt64 ms |> IL_Int64 | OperandType.InlineSig -> readInt32 ms |> IM.modulx.ResolveSignature |> IL_Sig | OperandType.InlineString -> readInt32 ms |> IM.modulx.ResolveString |> IL_String | OperandType.InlineTok | OperandType.InlineType | OperandType.InlineMethod | OperandType.InlineField -> resolveToken IM (readInt32 ms) |> IL_Field | OperandType.ShortInlineVar -> resolveVariable IM opcode (readByteAsInt ms) | OperandType.InlineVar -> resolveVariable IM opcode (readInt16AsInt ms) let rec loop L = if streamPos ms = streamLen ms then L else match readOpcode ms with | Some code -> loop ((code, parseOpcode code)::L) | None -> loop ((OpCodes.Nop, IL_Nop)::L) loop [] let print_instruction_fields ( xs : (OpCode * OpCodeReturn) list ) = xs |> Seq.iter (fun (opcode,mapping) -> printfn " %-5s | %A" opcode.Name mapping) let disassemble f = (f.GetType().GetMethod "Invoke").MethodHandle |> MethodBase.GetMethodFromHandle |> test (* testing*) let myfunc1() = let testfunc = "this is a test" testfunc ^ " abc" disassemble myfunc1 |> List.rev |> print_instruction_fields (* nop | IL_Nop ldstr | IL_String "this is a test" ldstr | IL_String " abc" call | IL_Field System.String Concat(System.String, System.String) ret | IL_Nop *)