module Assertions open System open System.IO open System.Diagnostics open System.Windows open Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting /// Opens a set of files in a diff viewer. /// Change to suit your diff viewer let openDiff file1 file2 = let startInfo = new ProcessStartInfo() startInfo.FileName <- @"C:\Program Files\Perforce\p4merge.exe" startInfo.Arguments <- sprintf "%s %s" file1 file2 Process.Start(startInfo); /// Useable tempfile (see: type TempFile() = let path = System.IO.Path.GetTempFileName() member x.Path = path interface System.IDisposable with member x.Dispose() = System.IO.File.Delete(path) /// Predicate for matching strings. let stringsDiffer s1 s2 = not (s1 = s2) /// Uses a tester function to determine /// if the given strings, s1 and s2 match. let testStrings' testFails expected actual = let diffMessage = Environment.NewLine + "-------------------------" + Environment.NewLine + "This string has been copied to the clipboard." + Environment.NewLine + "To approve, simply paste it into your test." // Escape this to create a verabtim F# string that // may be pasted directly into the test code. let buildEscapedStringForClipboard (str:string) = let doubleQuotesEscaped = str.Replace(@"""", @"""""") sprintf @"@""%s""" doubleQuotesEscaped let copyToClipboard str = try System.Windows.Clipboard.SetData( DataFormats.Text, buildEscapedStringForClipboard str); with | ex -> () // swallow any COM exceptions here. ... // True if a debugger is attached to the // process running the tests. let debuggerIsAttached = Debugger.IsAttached if not debuggerIsAttached then Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual) // Assume running on CI server. else if testFails expected actual then // Show any change in diff viewer and copy received to clipboard. use tempFileExpected = new TempFile() use tempFileActual = new TempFile() let tempFiles = [| tempFileExpected.Path; tempFileActual.Path |] [| expected; actual + diffMessage |] |> tempFiles |> Array.iter (fun tpl -> File.WriteAllText((fst tpl), (snd tpl))) openDiff tempFileExpected.Path tempFileActual.Path |> ignore actual |> copyToClipboard failwith (sprintf "Expected <%s>, but actual is <%s>." expected actual) /// Tests the given strings for equality. /// If they're found to differ, then the /// p4merge tools is opened to show the /// differences. The received string is /// escaped and sent to the clipboard /// so that it may be easily copied to the /// relvant test to accept the changes if /// they're expected. [] let IsSameStringAs = testStrings' stringsDiffer //-------------------------------------------------------- [] type ``When Testing Using Strings``() = // Sample unit test showing how to use the // simple string approvals tool. [] member this.``should be able to compare strings``() = "Actual String" // created by unit under test. |> IsSameStringAs @"Expected String"