open System // Queue / Server is either Idle, // or Busy until a certain time, // with items queued for processing type Status = Idle | Busy of DateTime * int type State = { Start: DateTime; Status: Status; NextIn: DateTime } let next arrival processing state = match state.Status with | Idle -> { Start = state.NextIn; NextIn = state.NextIn + arrival(); Status = Busy(state.NextIn + processing(), 0) } | Busy(until, waiting) -> match (state.NextIn <= until) with | true -> { Start = state.NextIn; NextIn = state.NextIn + arrival(); Status = Busy(until, waiting + 1) } | false -> match (waiting > 0) with | true -> { Start = until; Status = Busy(until + processing(), waiting - 1); NextIn = state.NextIn } | false -> { Start = until; Status = Idle; NextIn = state.NextIn } let simulate startTime arr proc = let nextIn = startTime + arr() let state = { Start = startTime; Status = Idle; NextIn = nextIn } Seq.unfold (fun st -> Some(st, next arr proc st)) state let pretty state = let count = match state.Status with | Idle -> 0 | Busy(_, waiting) -> 1 + waiting let nextOut = match state.Status with | Idle -> "Idle" | Busy(until, _) -> until.ToLongTimeString() let start = state.Start.ToLongTimeString() let nextIn = state.NextIn.ToLongTimeString() printfn "Start: %s, Count: %i, Next in: %s, Next out: %s" start count nextIn nextOut let constantTime (interval: TimeSpan) = let ticks = interval.Ticks fun () -> interval let arrivalTime = new TimeSpan(0,0,10); let processTime = new TimeSpan(0,0,5) let simpleArr = constantTime arrivalTime let simpleProc = constantTime processTime let startTime = new DateTime(2010, 1, 1) let constantCase = simulate startTime simpleArr simpleProc printfn "Constant arrivals, Constant processing" Seq.take 10 constantCase |> Seq.iter pretty;; let uniformTime (seconds: int) = let rng = new Random() fun () -> let t = rng.Next(seconds + 1) new TimeSpan(0, 0, t) let uniformArr = uniformTime 10 let uniformCase = simulate startTime uniformArr simpleProc printfn "Uniform arrivals, Constant processing" Seq.take 10 uniformCase |> Seq.iter pretty;; let exponentialTime (seconds: float) = let lambda = 1.0 / seconds let rng = new Random() fun () -> let t = - Math.Log(rng.NextDouble()) / lambda let ticks = t * (float)TimeSpan.TicksPerSecond new TimeSpan((int64)ticks) let expArr = exponentialTime 10.0 let expProc = exponentialTime 7.0 let exponentialCase = simulate startTime expArr expProc printfn "Exponential arrivals, Exponential processing" Seq.take 10 exponentialCase |> Seq.iter pretty;; let averageCountIn (transitions: State seq) = // time spent in current state, in ticks let ticks current next = next.Start.Ticks - current.Start.Ticks // jobs in system in state let count state = match state.Status with | Idle -> (int64)0 | Busy(until, c) -> (int64)c + (int64)1 // update state = total time and total jobsxtime // between current and next queue state let update state pair = let current, next = pair let c = count current let t = ticks current next (fst state) + t, (snd state) + (c * t) // accumulate updates from initial state let initial = (int64)0, (int64)0 transitions |> Seq.pairwise |> Seq.scan (fun state pair -> update state pair) initial |> (fun state -> (float)(snd state) / (float)(fst state)) let averageTimeIn (transitions: State seq) = // time spent in current state, in ticks let ticks current next = next.Start.Ticks - current.Start.Ticks // jobs in system in state let count state = match state.Status with | Idle -> (int64)0 | Busy(until, c) -> (int64)c + (int64)1 // count arrivals let arrival current next = if count next > count current then (int64)1 else (int64)0 // update state = total time and total arrivals // between current and next queue state let update state pair = let current, next = pair let c = count current let t = ticks current next let a = arrival current next (fst state) + a, (snd state) + (c * t) // accumulate updates from initial state let initial = (int64)0, (int64)0 transitions |> Seq.pairwise |> Seq.scan (fun state pair -> update state pair) initial |> (fun state -> let time = (float)(snd state) / (float)(fst state) new TimeSpan((int64)time)) // turnstiles admit 1 person / 4 seconds let turnstileProc = exponentialTime 4.0 // passengers arrive randomly every 5s let passengerArr = exponentialTime 5.0 let batchedTime seconds batches = let counter = ref 0 fun () -> counter := counter.Value + 1 if counter.Value < batches then new TimeSpan(0, 0, 0) else counter := 0 new TimeSpan(0, 0, seconds) // trains arrive every 30s with 5 passengers let trainArr = batchedTime 30 6 // passengers arriving in station let queueIn = simulate startTime passengerArr turnstileProc // passengers leaving station let queueOut = simulate startTime trainArr turnstileProc let prettyWait (t:TimeSpan) = t.TotalSeconds printfn "Turnstile to get in the Station" averageCountIn queueIn |> Seq.nth 1000000 |> printfn "In line: %f" averageTimeIn queueIn |> Seq.nth 1000000 |> prettyWait |> printfn "Wait in secs: %f" printfn "Turnstile to get out of the Station" averageCountIn queueOut |> Seq.nth 1000000 |> printfn "In line: %f" averageTimeIn queueOut |> Seq.nth 1000000 |> prettyWait |> printfn "Wait in secs: %f"