(*Bayesian Monte Carlo of Let's Make a Deal
This code illustrates Bayes' Theorem in action on the Let's Make a Deal problem, which several authors
have used to illustrate Bayes' Theorem. (It's easy to search the internet for further explanation.)
Run with the audit option to audit up to the first 100 games. Running without audit is faster and can
simulate a couple billion games.*)
//module game =
type game(doorWithPrize: int, fstChoice: int, revealedDoor: int) =
member x.winFstChoice = (doorWithPrize = fstChoice)
member x.winSwitch = (not(doorWithPrize = fstChoice)&&(not(doorWithPrize = revealedDoor)))
member x.revealed = revealedDoor
member x.ToString = "Prize Door: " + doorWithPrize.ToString() + "; "
+ "First Choice: " + fstChoice.ToString() + "; "
+ "Revealed Door: " + revealedDoor.ToString() + "; "
+ "Wins 1st Choice: " + x.winFstChoice.ToString() + "; "
+ "Wins Switch: " + x.winSwitch.ToString()
module games =
open System
let seedRnd = new Random()
let rndReveal doorWithPrize =
let rnd = seedRnd.Next(1,3)
match doorWithPrize with
|1 -> (rnd + 1)
|2 -> if rnd = 1 then 1
else 3
|_ -> rnd
let forcedReveal doorWithPrize fstChoice =
match (doorWithPrize + fstChoice) with
|3 -> 3
|4 -> 2
|_ -> 1
///Generate games and audit up to the first 100. Once the number of games gets into 10s of
///millions the audit option becomesnoticeably slower.
///number of games to simulate
let gamesAudit number =
let rec recGames acc winsFst winsSwitch audit =
let doorWithPrize = seedRnd.Next(1,4)
let fstChoice = seedRnd.Next(1,4)
let revealedDoor =
if (doorWithPrize = fstChoice) then rndReveal doorWithPrize
else forcedReveal doorWithPrize fstChoice
let myGame = game(doorWithPrize, fstChoice, revealedDoor)
let newAudit =
if (List.length audit) < 100 then (List.append audit [myGame])
else audit
if acc = 0 then (winsFst, winsSwitch), audit
else if myGame.winFstChoice then recGames (acc - 1) (winsFst + 1) winsSwitch newAudit
else recGames (acc - 1) winsFst (winsSwitch + 1) newAudit
let auditedGames = recGames number 0 0 List.Empty
let rec writeAudit audit =
match audit with
|myGame:game::tl ->
writeAudit tl
|_ -> ignore
let newAudit:List = snd auditedGames
writeAudit newAudit |> ignore
if (fst(fst(auditedGames)) + snd(fst(auditedGames)) > 100) then Console.WriteLine("first 100 games audited")
///Bare-bones generation of games. Once the number of games gets into 10s of millions this
///is noticeably faster than generation with the audit option.
///number of games to simulate
let games number =
let rec recGames acc winsFst winsSwitch =
let doorWithPrize = seedRnd.Next(1,4)
let fstChoice = seedRnd.Next(1,4)
(*The following source statement illustrates the essence of this problem as an example of
Bayes' Theorem. There are two posterior situations , in one case there are two possible
succeeding events, each with one-half probability. In the other case only one succeeding
event is possible with 100% probability.*)
let revealedDoor =
if (doorWithPrize = fstChoice) then rndReveal doorWithPrize
else forcedReveal doorWithPrize fstChoice
//strangely (on my 32-bit system), measuring large runs with StopWatch it is faster to
//instantiate myGame and query the member "winFstChoice" than do the direct
//"doorWithPrize = fstChoice" comparison
let myGame = game(doorWithPrize, fstChoice, revealedDoor)
if acc = 0 then winsFst, winsSwitch
else if myGame.winFstChoice then recGames (acc - 1) (winsFst + 1) winsSwitch
else recGames (acc - 1) winsFst (winsSwitch + 1)
recGames number 0 0
let main argv =
Console.WriteLine ("")
Console.WriteLine ("P(A|B) = P(B|A)P(A) / P(B) //memorize this!")
Console.WriteLine ("")
if argv.Length = 0 then Console.WriteLine ("Enter the number of games to simulate between 0 and 2147483647")
let myGames =
if argv.Length > 1 && argv.[1].ToLower() = "audit" then gamesAudit (Int32.Parse argv.[0])
else games (Int32.Parse argv.[0])
Console.WriteLine ((Int32.Parse argv.[0]).ToString("#,##0") + " games played")
Console.WriteLine ("Wins with first choice: " + fst(myGames).ToString("#,##0") + "; "
+ "Wins switching: " + snd(myGames).ToString("#,##0"))
Console.WriteLine ("")