open System // [snippet:Html formatting functions] open System.Text.RegularExpressions let removeTagsAndReplaceWords text = [ ".*?http.*?" , "url" // replace verbose url to "url" "<.*?>" , "" // remove html tags "F#" , "F sharp" ] |> Seq.fold (fun input (pattern,replacement) -> Regex.Replace(input,pattern,replacement)) text open System.Web /// unescape some escaped characters let unescapeHtml text = HttpUtility.HtmlDecode text /// do all formatting operations let formatHtml text = text |> removeTagsAndReplaceWords |> unescapeHtml //[/snippet] //[snippet:Get text to speech] //TODO: please rewrite the below reference to your HtmlAgilityPack.dll #r @"C:\Users\nagat01\Documents\Visual Studio 11\Projects\WebTrawler\packages\HtmlAgilityPack.1.4.3\lib\HtmlAgilityPack.dll" open HtmlAgilityPack /// this xpath specifies the text to speech let xpath = """ //div[@id="question-header"]//a | //div[@class="post-text"]//p | //div[@class="user-details"]//a | //span[@class="comment-copy"] | //a[@class="comment-user"] """ let getTextToSheech url = let htmlDocument = HtmlWeb().Load(url) htmlDocument.DocumentNode.SelectNodes xpath |> node -> node.InnerHtml |> formatHtml) |> String.concat "\n" //[/snippet] //[snippet:Usage] #r "System.Speech" open System.Speech.Synthesis let speech url = let text = getTextToSheech url printfn "%s" text use speechSynthesizer = new SpeechSynthesizer(Rate= -3) speechSynthesizer.Speak text let url = "" speech url //[/snippet]