module AsyncPrimitives open System open System.Collections.Generic open System.Threading // [snippet: Async primitives] type AsyncManualResetEvent() = let resultCell = ref <| AsyncResultCell<_>() member x.AsyncWait() = (!resultCell).AsyncResult member x.Set() = (!resultCell).RegisterResult(AsyncOk(true)) member x.Reset() = let rec swap newVal = let currentValue = !resultCell let result = Interlocked.CompareExchange<_>(resultCell, newVal, currentValue) if obj.ReferenceEquals(result, currentValue) then () else Thread.SpinWait 20 swap newVal swap <| AsyncResultCell<_>() type AsyncAutoResetEvent(?reuseThread) = let mutable awaits = Queue<_>() let mutable signalled = false let completed = async.Return true let reuseThread = defaultArg reuseThread false member x.AsyncWait() = lock awaits (fun () -> if signalled then signalled <- false completed else let are = AsyncResultCell<_>() awaits.Enqueue are are.AsyncResult ) type AsyncCountdownEvent(initialCount) = let amre = AsyncManualResetEvent() do if initialCount <= 0 then raise (new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("initialCount")) let count = ref initialCount member x.AsyncWait() = amre.AsyncWait() member x.Signal() = if !count <= 0 then invalidOp "" let newCount = Interlocked.Decrement(count) if newCount = 0 then amre.Set() elif newCount < 0 then invalidOp "" else () member x.SignalAndWait() = x.Signal() x.AsyncWait() // [/snippet] #if INTERACTIVE #r @"E:\Code\AsyncPrimitives\packages\FSPowerPack.Core.Community.\Lib\Net40\FSharp.PowerPack.dll" #load "AsyncPrimitives.fs" #endif open System open System.Threading open AsyncPrimitives // [snippet: Sample usage] Console.WriteLine("AsyncManualResetEvent") let amre = AsyncManualResetEvent() let x = async{let! x = amre.AsyncWait() Console.WriteLine("First signalled")} let y = async{let! x = amre.AsyncWait() Console.WriteLine("Second signalled")} let z = async{let! x = amre.AsyncWait() Console.WriteLine("Third signalled")} //start async workflows x and y Async.Start x Async.Start y //reset the asyncManualResetEvent, this will test whether the async workflows x and y // are orphaned due to the AsyncResultCell being recycled. amre.Reset() //now start the async z Async.Start z //we set a single time, this should result in the three async workflows completing amre.Set() Console.WriteLine() Console.WriteLine("AsyncCountdownEvent") let ace = AsyncCountdownEvent(3) let aceWait1 = async{ let! _ = ace.SignalAndWait() Console.WriteLine("First signalled") } let aceWait2 = async{ let! _ = ace.SignalAndWait() Console.WriteLine("Second signalled") } let aceWait3 = async { let! _ = ace.SignalAndWait() Console.WriteLine("Third signalled") } //start async workflows aceWait1 and aceWait2 Async.Start aceWait1 Async.Start aceWait2 Async.Start aceWait3 // [/snippet] Console.WriteLine() Console.ReadLine() |> ignore