open System open System.Net open System.Windows open System.Windows.Shapes open System.Windows.Media open System.Windows.Controls open System.Threading open Microsoft.TryFSharp // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // Domain-specific language for creating classifiers /// Represents a classifier that produces a value 'T type Classifier<'T> = PT of ((DateTime * float)[] -> 'T) /// Simple classifiers that extract value or check property module Price = // ---------------------------------------------------------------- // Basic functions for composition /// Runs a classifier and transforms the result using a specified function let map g (PT f) = PT (f >> g) let unit v = PT (fun _ -> v) let bind f (PT g) = PT (fun values -> let (PT r) = f (g values) in r values) /// Simple classifier that always returns true let always = unit true /// Creates a classifier that combines the result of two classifiers using a tuple let both (PT f) (PT g) = PT (fun values -> f values, g values) /// Checks two properties of subsequent parts of the input let sequence (PT f1) (PT f2) = PT (fun input -> let length = input.Length let input1 = input.[0 .. length/2 - (if length%2=0 then 1 else 0)] let input2 = input.[length/2 .. length-1] (f1 input1, f2 input2)) /// Gets the minimum over the whole range let reduce f = PT (fun input -> input |> snd |> Seq.reduce f) // ---------------------------------------------------------------- // Primitive classifiers /// Checks whether the price is rising over the whole checked range let rising = PT (fun input -> input |> Seq.pairwise |> Seq.forall (fun ((_, a), (_, b)) -> b >= a)) /// Checks whether the price is declining over the whole checked range let declining = PT (fun input -> input |> Seq.pairwise |> Seq.forall (fun ((_, a), (_, b)) -> b <= a)) /// Gets the minimum over the whole range let minimum = reduce min |> map (fun v -> Math.Round(v, 2)) /// Gets the maximum over the whole range let maximum = reduce max |> map (fun v -> Math.Round(v, 2)) /// Gets the maximum over the whole range let average = PT (fun input -> Math.Round(input |> snd |> Seq.average, 2) ) /// Checks that the price is at least the specified value in the whole range let atLeast min = PT (Seq.forall (fun (_, v) -> v >= min)) /// Checks that the price is at most the specified value in the whole range let atMost max = PT (Seq.forall (fun (_, v) -> v <= max)) // ---------------------------------------------------------------- // Advanced combinators /// Checks that two properties hold for subsequent parts of the input let sequenceAnd a b = sequence a b |> map (fun (a, b) -> a && b) /// Checks that two properties hold for the same input let bothAnd a b = both a b |> map (fun (a, b) -> a && b) /// Checks that one of the properties holds for subsequent parts of the input let sequenceOr a b = sequence a b |> map (fun (a, b) -> a || b) /// Checks that one of the properties holds for the same input let bothOr a b = both a b |> map (fun (a, b) -> a || b) /// Checks that the price is withing a specified range over the whole input let inRange min max = bothAnd (atLeast min) (atMost max) /// Checks that the property holds over an approximation /// obtained using linear regression let regression (PT f) = PT (fun values -> // TODO: Use date time in case it is not linear let xavg = float (values.Length - 1) / 2.0 let yavg = Seq.averageBy snd values let sums = values |> Seq.mapi (fun x (_, v) -> (float x - xavg) * (v - yavg), pown (float x - xavg) 2) let v1 = Seq.sumBy fst sums let v2 = Seq.sumBy snd sums let a = v1 / v2 let b = yavg - a * xavg values |> Array.mapi (fun x (dt, _) -> (dt, a * (float x) + b)) |> f) type ClassifierBuilder() = member x.Return(v) = Price.unit v member x.Bind(c, f) = Price.bind f c let classify = ClassifierBuilder() /// Does the property hold over the entire data set? let run (PT f) (data:(DateTime * float)[]) = f data // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // Downloading & visualizing stock prices from Yahoo /// Asynchronously downloads stock prices from Yahoo /// (uses a proxy to enable cross-domain downloads) let downloadPrices from stock = async { // Download price from Yahoo let wc = new WebClient() let url = "" + stock let proxy = "" + url let! html = wc.AsyncDownloadString(Uri(proxy)) let lines = html.Split([|'\n'; '\r'|], StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries) // Return sequence that reads the prices let data = seq { for line in lines |> Seq.skip 1 do let infos = (line:string).Split(',') let dt = DateTime.Parse(infos.[0]) let op = float infos.[1] if dt > from then yield dt, op } return data |> Array.ofSeq |> Array.rev |> Seq.ofArray } /// Create a line geometry from a sequence of float values let createGeometry width height data = let offsetX, offsetY = 20.0, 20.0 let min = Seq.min data let max = Seq.max data let scale v = height - ((v - min) / (max - min) * height) let data = data |> scale |> Seq.pairwise let geometry = new GeometryGroup() let step = width / float (Seq.length data) for i, (prev, next) in [ 0 .. Seq.length data ] data do let f = Point(offsetX + float i * step, prev + offsetY) let t = Point(offsetX + float (i + 1) * step, next + offsetY) let line = LineGeometry(StartPoint = f, EndPoint = t) geometry.Children.Add(line) geometry /// Create line chart - returns a function that can be /// used to set the data of the line chart let createLineChart color width height = let path = new Path(Stroke = new SolidColorBrush(color), StrokeThickness = 2.0) App.Console.Canvas.Children.Add(path) let cleanup () = App.Console.Canvas.Children.Remove(path) |> ignore (fun data -> path.Data <- createGeometry width height data), cleanup /// Runs an F# asynchronous workflow on the GUI thread in TryFSharp let runUserInterface work = let tok = new CancellationTokenSource() App.Dispatch (fun() -> Async.StartImmediate(work, tok.Token) App.Console.CanvasPosition <- CanvasPosition.Right) |> ignore tok type ClassifierWindow() = /// List of update functions to be called from GUI let updates = ResizeArray<((DateTime * float)[] -> unit) * (unit -> unit)>() let cleanup = ref ignore let addControl ctl x y = Canvas.SetTop(ctl, y) Canvas.SetLeft(ctl, x) App.Console.Canvas.Children.Add(ctl) /// Add classifier to list & create GUI let addBoolClassifier name (cls:Classifier) = App.Dispatch (fun() -> let box = Rectangle(Width = 30.0, Height = 30.0) addControl box 30.0 (250.0 + float (updates.Count * 50)) let block = TextBlock(FontSize = 20.0, Text = name, Width = 200.0) addControl block 100.0 (250.0 + float (updates.Count * 50)) let update data = box.Fill <- new SolidColorBrush(if run cls data then Colors.Green else Colors.LightGray) let cleanup () = App.Console.Canvas.Children.Remove(box) |> ignore App.Console.Canvas.Children.Remove(block) |> ignore updates.Add( (update, cleanup) ) ) |> ignore /// Add classifier to list & create GUI let addFloatClassifier name (cls:Classifier) = App.Dispatch (fun() -> let box = TextBlock(FontSize = 20.0, Width = 30.0, Height = 30.0) addControl box 20.0 (250.0 + float (updates.Count * 50)) let block = TextBlock(FontSize = 20.0, Text = name, Width = 200.0) addControl block 100.0 (250.0 + float (updates.Count * 50)) let update data = box.Text <- string (run cls data) let cleanup () = App.Console.Canvas.Children.Remove(box) |> ignore App.Console.Canvas.Children.Remove(block) |> ignore updates.Add( (update, cleanup) ) ) |> ignore /// Main loop let mainLoop stock = async { let! prices = downloadPrices (DateTime(2009, 1, 1)) stock let blocks = prices |> Seq.windowed 30 let en = blocks.GetEnumerator() let update, removeLine = createLineChart Colors.Black 500.0 200.0 cleanup := removeLine while en.MoveNext() do do! Async.Sleep(200) for fn, _ in updates do fn en.Current update (en.Current |> snd) } // Current cancellation token let tok = ref <| new CancellationTokenSource() do App.Dispatch (fun() -> App.Console.CanvasPosition <- CanvasPosition.Right App.Console.ClearCanvas()) |> ignore member x.Add(name, cls) = addBoolClassifier name cls member x.Add(name, cls) = addFloatClassifier name cls member x.Clear() = App.Dispatch (fun () -> for _, clean in updates do clean () updates.Clear() ) |> ignore member x.Run(stock) = tok := runUserInterface (mainLoop stock) member x.Stop() = (!tok).Cancel() App.Dispatch(!cleanup) |> ignore App.Dispatch (fun () -> App.Console.ClearOutput() App.Console.LoadFromUrl("") )