module BuilderExample open System //Example: nullable { ... } with combining functionality type NullableBuilder() = let hasValue (a:Nullable<'a>) = a.HasValue member t.Return(x) = Nullable(x) member t.Bind(x, rest) = match hasValue x with | false -> System.Nullable() //.NET null object | true -> rest(x.Value) let nullable = NullableBuilder() let test = nullable{ let! a = System.Nullable(3) //"let!" calls builders Bind let! b = System.Nullable(5) //"let!" calls builders Bind //Inside computation expression(/monad): easy programming without Nullable-worries: let mult = a * b let sum = mult + 1 return sum //"return" calls builders Return(x) } //val test : Nullable = 16 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // using e.g. // let! b = System.Nullable() // would cause to return: // val test : System.Nullable() // own { ...} syntax is made with implementing Builder-class // and (some of) the "interface" members //------------------------------------------------ // Further reading: // "Interface" described in: // More info: // Check also Reactive Extensions 2.0 with F# observe { ... }: // // and: and