open System.IO open MbUnit.Framework // DSL to define test suites and cases let inline (=>>) name tests = let suite = TestSuite(name) Seq.iter suite.Children.Add tests suite :> Test let inline (=>) name (test: unit -> unit) = TestCase(name, Gallio.Common.Action test) :> Test let inline (+>) f = (fun (name, partialTest) -> name => f partialTest) let inline (==>) name test = name,test // Higher-order functions as setup/teardown let withMemoryStream f () = use ms = new MemoryStream() f ms let withTempFile f () = let file = Path.GetTempFileName() try f file finally File.Delete file // These can be easily composed: let withMemoryStreamAndTempFile f = withMemoryStream (fun s -> withTempFile (fun t -> f s t) <| ()) // Test definition: [] let tests() = [ "A test suite" =>> [ "2 + 2 = 4" => fun _ -> Assert.AreEqual(4, 2+2) "A test subsuite" =>> [ // generate parameterized tests for i in 0..3 do for j in 1..4 do for k in 3..10 -> sprintf "%d + %d = %d" i j k => fun _ -> Assert.AreEqual(k, i+j) ] ] "Another suite" =>> [ "With temp file" =>> withTempFile +> [ // apply setup/teardown to a list of "partial tests" "file exists" ==> (Assert.IsTrue << File.Exists) "print" ==> printfn "%s" "nothing" ==> ignore ] "Write 'Hello World!'" => withMemoryStreamAndTempFile (fun ms tf -> use w = new StreamWriter(ms) w.Write "Hello World!" w.Flush() ms.Position <- 0L File.WriteAllBytes(tf, ms.ToArray()) Assert.AreEqual(12L, FileInfo(tf).Length)) ] ]