open System open System.Text open System.Security.Cryptography #r "FSharp.PowerPack.Parallel.Seq";; open Microsoft.FSharp.Collections let MD5 = new MD5CryptoServiceProvider() let alignMD5 (md : string) = md.Replace("-","").ToLower() (* new md5, much faster, no create()*) let md5 (s : string) = s, Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes s |> MD5.ComputeHash |> BitConverter.ToString |> alignMD5 (* perm code from Generates the cartesian outer product of a list of sequences LL *) let rec outerProduct = function | [] -> Seq.singleton [] | L::Ls -> L |> Seq.collect (fun x -> outerProduct Ls |> (fun L -> x::L)) (* Generates all n-element combination from a list L *) let getPermsWithRep n L = List.replicate n L |> outerProduct let listToStr xs = List.toArray xs |> fun c -> new string (c) let crmd md5' (charset : string) n = getPermsWithRep n (charset |> Seq.toList) |> (PSeq.toList >> listToStr >> md5) |> Seq.filter (fun e -> snd e = md5') (* ("c1a2bb1", "34a79dcbe2670a58abfa4d502ae0fe77") *) let plaintext = "c1a2bb1" let md = md5 plaintext crmd (snd md) "abc123" 7