module Excel // Add references to Excel interop: #if INTERACTIVE #r "Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel" #endif open System open Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel /// Helper function to represent string or floating point cell content as a string. let cellContent (range : Range) = match range.Value2 with | :? string as _string -> sprintf "string: %s" _string | :? double as _double -> sprintf "double: %f" _double | _ -> "(unknown type)" /// Helper function to return cell content as float if possible, if not as 0.0. let cellDouble (range : Range) = match range.Value2 with | :? double as _double -> _double | _ -> 0.0 /// Returns the specified worksheet range as a sequence of indvidual cell ranges. let toSeq (range : Range) = seq { for r in 1 .. range.Rows.Count do for c in 1 .. range.Columns.Count do let cell = range.Item(r, c) :?> Range yield cell } /// Returns the specified worksheet range as a sequence of indvidual cell ranges, together with a 0-based /// row-index and column-index for each cell. let toSeqrc (range : Range) = seq { for r in 1 .. range.Rows.Count do for c in 1 .. range.Columns.Count do let cell = range.Item(r, c) :?> Range yield r, c, cell } /// Takes a sequence of individual cell-ranges and returns an Excel range representation of the cells /// (using Excel 'union' representation - eg. "R1C1, R2C1, R5C4"). let toRange (workSheet : Worksheet) (rangeSeq : seq) = let csvSeq sequence = let result = sequence |> Seq.fold (fun acc x -> acc + x + ",") "" result.Remove(result.Length-1) let rangeName = rangeSeq |> (fun cell -> cell.Address()) |> csvSeq workSheet.Range(rangeName) /// Takes a function and an Excel range, and returns the results of applying the function to each individual cell. let map (f : Range -> 'T) (range : Range) = range |> toSeq |> f /// Takes a function and an Excel range, and returns the results of applying the function to each individual cell, /// providing 0-based row-index and column-index for each cell as arguments to the function. let maprc (f : int -> int -> Range -> 'T) (range : Range) = range |> toSeqrc |> (fun item -> match item with | (r, c, cell) -> f r c cell) /// Takes a function and an Excel range, and applies the function to each individual cell. let iter (f : Range -> unit) (range : Range) = range |> toSeq |> Seq.iter (fun cell -> f cell) /// Takes a function and an Excel range, and applies the function to each individual cell, /// providing 0-based row-index and column-index for each cell as arguments to the function. let iterrc (f : int -> int -> Range -> unit) (range : Range) = range |> toSeqrc |> Seq.iter (fun item -> match item with | (r, c, cell) -> f r c cell) /// Takes a function and an Excel range, and returns a sequence of individual cell ranges where the result /// of applying the function to the cell is true. let filter (f : Range -> bool) (range : Range) = range |> toSeq |> Seq.filter (fun cell -> f cell) ///// Examples ///// // Start Excel. let excel = ApplicationClass(Visible = true) // Open a workbook: let workbookDir = @"C:\Users\kit\Documents\Visual Studio 2010\Projects\ExcelTest\Spreadsheets" let workbook = excel.Workbooks.Open(workbookDir + @"\Example1.xlsx") // Get a reference to the workbook: let exampleSheet = workbook.Sheets.["ExampleSheet"] :?> Worksheet // Get a reference to a named range: let exampleRange = exampleSheet.Range("MyRange") // toSeq example: let cellCount = exampleRange |> toSeq |> Seq.length // 4 // toSeqrc example: let listCellRC = exampleRange |> toSeqrc |> Seq.iter (fun item -> match item with | (r, c, cell) -> printfn "row:%i col:%i cell:%s" r c (cellContent cell)) // row:1 col:1 cell:string: A // row:2 col:1 cell:double: 1.000000 // row:3 col:1 cell:double: 2.000000 // row:4 col:1 cell:double: 3.000000 // ... // row:4 col:3 cell:double: 9.000000 // toRange example: let rangeAddress = let range = exampleRange |> toSeq |> toRange exampleRange.Worksheet printfn "Range: %s" (range.Address()) // Range: $A$1,$B$1,$C$1,$A$2,$B$2,$C$2,$A$3,$B$3,$C$3,$A$4,$B$4,$C$4 // map example: let floatTotal = exampleRange |> map (fun cell -> cellDouble cell) |> Seq.sum // 42.0 // maprc example: let evenTotal = exampleRange |> maprc (fun r _ cell -> if r % 2 = 0 then cellDouble cell else 0.0) |> Seq.sum // 28.0 // iter example let highlightRange = exampleRange |> iter (fun cell -> cell.Interior.Color <- 65535) // Yellow // Entire range is yellow // iterrc example let chequerRange = exampleRange |> iterrc (fun r c cell -> if (r % 2 = 0) && (c % 2 <> 0) || (r % 2 <> 0) && (c % 2 = 0) then cell.Interior.Color <- 65535 // Yellow else cell.Interior.Color <- 255) // Red // Range is fetchingly chequered in red and yellow // filter and toRange example: let colourOddInts = let oddIntRange = exampleRange |> filter (fun cell -> let cellVal = cellDouble cell (cellVal = float(int(cellVal))) && (int(cellVal)) % 2 <> 0) |> toRange exampleSheet oddIntRange.Interior.Color <- 255 // Red // Cells containing odd integers are coloured red; other colours are unchanged